UGH!!!! Just got home from the hospital. 20 days and finally back

WooHoo.... my 1st retro egg from the new rumble area.

on the new rumble area, do you need the upgrade to get a retro egg
or are there some that you can get without it? cuz I know I wont
get anywhere near the top in the contest to get an upgrade.

If anyone is hunting the two new events and would like to sell me a
normal version of each, please let me know.

"No T, No Shade, No Pink Lemonade."

You found 5x Dragon Gems in this treasure box!

ok shiny anytime now, wanna hatch those zygarde forms.

Tired of this hunt. Hurry up shiny.

You found 1x Mega Stone in this treasure box!

So after I get this first shiny, gonna put the other 2 on hold
until I can get a bunch more poison gems. then come back and get
the other 2 in this line. Daycare is slow in producing eggs and the
tall grass is where I have been getting most of my eggs.

OMG OMG OMG Yesterday I finally got exeggutor(alolan) from the
rumbles, just looked and in a day I will have a shiny one now. :D

Started a new hunt, hatch
and get it officially started.

In 6+ hours, I will finally have my Exeggutor(Alolan).

By PokéRadar - 1 Minute and 38 Seconds ago. Congratulations! A
shiny Sandshrew hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #51)! Your
PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

what is with the Zygarde update and how do you get the other forms?

Sun, February 25, 03:00 10 mins. 234,140/300,000 6 325/325
Status: Finished. Your interactions: 1,820

ugh.....missed the first 3 sce I signed up for, luckily was able to
sign up for some others.

By PokéRadar - 10 Seconds ago. Congratulations! A shiny Sandshrew
hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #67)! Your PokéRadar reset
and needs new batteries.

Why is it everyone wants to make this game like other games? If you
don't like the way this one is, maybe you should.....