Start pm’ing me offers on stuff I have in my boxes

Start pm’ing me offers on stuff I have in my boxes

How much do sky pillar or vortex of time maps go for nowadays?

It’s been a horribly long time.. I’m back for good what’s up

I have some great items to trade just pm me if u

jw how the heck do i get to the delibird item delivery??? its fin

It's my b-day woohoo right well yeah ig but My chick just left me
right before my birthday not that you guys need to hear but it
kinda sucks right now so yeah

I have such good fortune for Green Orbs so a while back I bought
one then got one out of a box same day and then I just used one
FINALLY! to get my mega rayquaza and guess what i just fucking
got...... yeah
this omg well I have two for sale and shiz so ^_^ very
happy guy right now! have a wonderful day everyone! (btw 180k for
each orb)

Does anyone have a Retro Ducklett or Rayquaza I could buy or trade
for please I need Ducklett to complete my Retros and well I have
two Green Orbs and no Rayquaza plus he's my fav haha xD

Good deeds are.. well good!

Whats's up guys I have a new name and a new face in society and I
am now known as Sansible nice to make your aquaintance! Also I was

here is for sale!

So Dark Mewtwo is one of the most awful things to go for lmao I
hated unlocking it but finally got it WOOHOO!

i just got
these from a red box!

Now I just have to ask before I go WHO THE HELL WAS SEAR OF MIND? I
have never added you so I am just dying to know ho you were I can
get backto you tomorrow!

Just wanted to give a good old Hi to my Wonderful friends on PH who
I have neglected to even talk to I am so sorry! I doubt most of you
care but to me some of you are my very lifestyle I will be on more
now just college stuff plus family problems if you catch my drift
:/ seeya tomorrow guys!

I just f*cking hate Cruel smash in ssb4 wii u i just broke my
gamepad on accident(maybe not accident) i hate it so much!

I want a gold box can i haz from someone i have stuff for trade!

these are
all of my gems for sale or trade palpad me please!