Game Records
Trainer ID: #973387730Registration: 19/11/2020 (4 Years ago)
Time Played: 231:50 Hours
Total interactions: 31,135
Money: 8,633
Starter Pokémon:
You received a secret Pass Code for your last Wonder Trade:
I redeemed it, does it break my chain?
I just wanna say that...
- Pokeshop won't still have a return... sadly (might make a new one 👀)
- I changed my name to Quibbie (formerly "Batch")
That's all! ...I spent 10k PD on Daycare for shiny hunt... is it worth it?
Last Visitors
Visitors | ||
Kastel | Thu, 13/Feb/2025, 07:48 | |
CrayonShark | Wed, 25/Jan/2023, 19:54 | |
Greenery | Sun, 23/Oct/2022, 04:51 | |
Offbrand_Kit | Sat, 24/Sep/2022, 05:24 | |
arii | Sun, 18/Sep/2022, 15:35 |