Dyed my hair... I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!!! (Legit, you guys don't
realized how hyped I am right now! This is the first time I dyed my
whole head, and it turned out AMAZING!!!!!)

Is it bad that I enjoyed having the electronic baby for school this
past weekend? XD

Debating whether, for tomorrow, to go to a game night thing for my
Church, go to my high school's Homecoming, or just skip both and
cuddle with my boyfriend all night long. (Both the game night and
the Homecoming he wouldn't be able to go to. >_< The game
night is just for the High School Youth Group at my Church, and the
Homecoming are only for those currently attending the High School.)

Almost the end of the school week, thank goodness! I'm bringing in
my guitar to school today. :P

You know you're either doing something right or wrong when your
Berrygarden level is higher than your actual level! XD

Almost the weekend! So hyped! Saturday I'm face painting for a
Church event my Church is hosting! So hyped!!! :D :D :D

Didn't make it into the select group... Oh well, just means more
time for homework, my boyfriend/friends, and practicing to keep my
anxiety down. But one good thing, and I hate to say it, is that
this one girl who I'm so jealous of her singing voice didn't make
it either, so I'm pretty okay with this.

My mum has a show about people jumping out of the twin towers
during the 9-11 attacks 15 years ago... People keep jumping out of
windows... I'm crying...

My dad taught me how to shuffle by doing a bridge with cards. I'm
gonna be practicing this until Tuesday and can show it off to my

I have a select choir audition tomorrow after school, wish me
luck... :/

School starts again tomorrow... Ugh... >___<

End of the first school week of school already. I didn't get lost,
not even once! I'm fairly proud of myself for this reason since
there are over 3,000 kids in my school across three grade levels.
(10th, 11th, and 12th.) To be fair, I had a map, and that was the
only reason I didn't get lost, but I still didn't, and I was never
over a minute late for any of my classes, even the ones I went all
the way across the building for! (The building is HUGE!) We get a
four day weekend before we go back.

I'm actually kinda surprised... School starts up tomorrow...
>_____< (Technically it's orientation, but whatever, I still
have to wake up between 6-6:40 am... UUUUGGGHHH.)

New to this. Joined 8-24-16.