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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 44

Trainerpoints: 4,082/5,851


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Medicham554,016 / 9,241
Zebstrika554,966 / 9,241
Budew589,853 / 10,665
Swadloon62115 / 12,288
Raticate571,983 / 9,919
Corviknight5810,325 / 10,665

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Newest gifts
Noob12234 5 Months ago
KD6-37 5 Months ago
Kpopcorn 5 Months ago
Elementalcrystals 5 Months ago


Mr_Glaceon hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #946462772
Registration: 04/10/2015 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 310:39 Hours
Total interactions: 380,945
Money: 77,945
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Eh I'm bored of this hunt now
6 Months ago
2 megaable in a row
6 Months ago
well im done doing wondertrade... if people are just gonna release them everytime i rather just release them myself rather than getting junk pokemon
6 Months ago
Congratulations! A shiny Magikarp hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #50)! nice
6 Months ago
People who release pokemon after a wondertrade make me sad.
6 Months ago
AND ITS MAGIKARP. how dare you site rng
6 Months ago
well whatever the egg in my party is im hunting for shiny.
6 Months ago
What should I hutn?
6 Months ago
if anyone is selling a ditto lmk in time I really want to buy one.
6 Months ago
well i want a ditto so imma start collecting gems for that.
6 Months ago
I had a ditto called dittomynitto but i bet someone probably renamed it bynow but if you have it i hope its doing well lol
7 Months ago
How do you get ditto?
7 Months ago
whats the point of the shiny ditto in the lab?
7 Months ago
is there really any point of trainer level
7 Months ago
Congratulations! A shiny Sundaelite (Strawberry) hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #60)!. I want to hunt more shinies but I rather just leave it alone for now and get more eggies
7 Months ago
Quick Shiny.
7 Months ago
Had a dream that my chain was broken by a wurmple. what
7 Months ago
If anyone needs some Pokémon check my boxes if i have more than 2 send me a message ill see what i can do to gift you them
7 Months ago
Day has been made. Found out a friend that i talked to years ago still plays. :D
7 Months ago
Vulpix (Alolan) ARMY? Yes please.
7 Months ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Last Visitors

PsyduckfriendSun, 23/Jun/2024, 22:32
Kabuto777Sat, 11/May/2024, 10:48
Rex205Wed, 21/Feb/2024, 22:00
CombuskenFri, 16/Feb/2024, 19:15
KpopcornFri, 16/Feb/2024, 17:26


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Browsing through notifications (1 Month ago)