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Trainerlevel: 10

Trainerpoints: 300/309


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Banette15334,609 / 56,550
Vaporeon15442,671 / 71,611
Liepard852,847 / 21,931
Gogoat7414,882 / 16,651
Aurorus825,395 / 20,419
Noivern1085,000 / 35,317

About Me

I am MoontailDraws, but you can call me Moontail, Moon, anything else ^^ I am the Grunkle Stan of Pokeheroes

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I secretly love you <3
I just don't show it :)
JK give me your Pokes



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Newest gifts
Scarlet~ 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


MoontailDraws hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #189622755
Registration: 27/07/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 25:33 Hours
Total interactions: 18,277
Money: 7,169
Starter Pokémon: Feraligatr


Thank to Dokku for sending me a gem!
7 Years ago
does anyone have an extra electric gem? just 1
7 Years ago
I have 1 DP
So rich
7 Years ago
hey look
i am not dead.
explanation- my laptops went down and school
7 Years ago
Any Furfrous available at the moment? I really like them for some reason oops
8 Years ago
*when you haven't been on Pokeheroes cause of school and life and you realize leaving the game for more than 2days is a big no*
8 Years ago
When you Amaura evolves ;n;
8 Years ago
How to encourage your friends to keep running in a race: "RUN LIKE YOUR MOM IS TRYING TO PUT YOU IN A DRESS!!!" how to encourage them more: "THERE IS A GIANT 8 LEGGED MAN EATING ALIEN AFTER YOU!'
I do not get weird looks from others you crazy people
8 Years ago
You fed Scarlett a Watmel Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 1,502 Exp. Points.
8 Years ago

Scarlett (L54) needs your help to beat Oak (L45)! Share the hashtag with proof!

Daily Prize: If she's ahead of Oak's Magikarp by reset, I'll raffle out 2 dragon gems to 3 hashtag sharers and berry-feeders!

If I win: I'll raffle a Mega Stone and a free MS Brew Slot from my shop! (For more: Berry him = x2 tickets; Rare Candy = x3 tickets)
8 Years ago
all these people getting Shaymin, and I am still here clicking ;0;
8 Years ago
A pokemon escaped 7 Pokeballs and 3 Masterballs.... what is life?
8 Years ago
When you are sitting there staring off into the distance, just trying to figure at how the heck you get the A New Community badge owo
8 Years ago
When you are pretty much just sucking in Pokemon from GTS
8 Years ago
Yay! Just got a free Swampras and Dragon Gem :3 Man, I love the GTS XD
8 Years ago
Wonder Trade Report:

Ambipom => Igglybuff
8 Years ago
where can one get a Pidgey. hmm.
8 Years ago
My first successful auction :) I got 190 PD for a Golem ^^
8 Years ago
When you suddenly have 7 Charmeleons and reallize they were all just your Charmanders
8 Years ago
Died while clicking for a Shaymin
8 Years ago


Last Action
Searching for specific auction (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

chungusFri, 15/Oct/2021, 03:01
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:56
QueenWeissTue, 13/Jul/2021, 23:44
ButtercupWed, 17/Mar/2021, 07:50
MirajaneThu, 11/Feb/2021, 04:23