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Fairy Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 13

Trainerpoints: 449/519


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Feraligatr11125,228 / 41,511
* Lili *
11644,976 / 45,465
Suicune12741,478 / 60,961
1065,359 / 37,737
Zoroark8411,156 / 23,271
Shuckle45889 / 6,188


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Newest gifts
Wolfheart89 8 Years ago
Egbert 8 Years ago
Steven98 8 Years ago
Egbert 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


LeoTheWarrior hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #688226824
Registration: 22/01/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 55:11 Hours
Total interactions: 12,266
Money: 7,128
Starter Pokémon: Feraligatr


7 Years ago
any one have for sell pink/purple key ?
8 Years ago
How shiny stone works ?
8 Years ago
You found 1x Reaper Cloth in this treasure box!

What Is That ?
8 Years ago
*Small Raffle*
1 ticket costs - 15k
Rewards :
-Mega Able Gyarados
Rules :
-Minimum 5 users in Raffle
Raffle will end tomorrow on 15:00 ( England Time )
If not enough users will buy tickets i will give everyone money back
Good Luck !!!
8 Years ago
*Small Raffle*
1 ticket costs - 15k
Rewards :
-Mega Able Gyarados
Rules :
-Minimum 5 users in Raffle
Raffle will end tomorrow on 15:00 ( England Time )
If not enough users will buy tickets i will give everyone money back :)
Good Luck !!!
8 Years ago
did egg from route 53 will break my chain ?
8 Years ago
anyone want free charmander/charizard ;p ?
8 Years ago
did anyone have purple key ?
8 Years ago
How honey tree works ?
A bit of honey sticks to the tree.
What now ?
8 Years ago
Hey You !!!
Yes you !
Come here and warm my eggs :)
please ;v
8 Years ago
that moment when you try chatch a shiny one with help of pokeradar but you receiwed 1 egg from game center >,< and chain will break ...
8 Years ago
Can anyone help with my eggs ?
8 Years ago
i need 50k for now ;/ anyone ?
8 Years ago
selling 2 rare candies , any offers ?
8 Years ago
I have gyarados with mega stone / hidden power ... When he will evolve ? I must do something ?
8 Years ago
i have for sell 2 rare candies 10k for one
8 Years ago
i want buy dark blue mystery box / pink mystery box
my offer is 10k , anyone ?
8 Years ago
Shiny Heracross !
8 Years ago



Last Action
Viewing a Userprofile (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:39
EgbertSun, 19/Jan/2020, 20:40
SilverStarMon, 30/May/2016, 07:04
gelatinThu, 28/Apr/2016, 20:43
TemyTue, 19/Apr/2016, 11:07