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Electric Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 21

Trainerpoints: 423/1,343


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Volbeat272,511 / 2,873
Weezing402,085 / 4,921
Elgyem39408 / 4,681
Mightyena413,390 / 5,167
Bibarel413,572 / 5,167
Zoroark412,789 / 5,055

About Me


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
KottonxTail 6 Years ago
Dessoll 7 Years ago
_____ 7 Years ago
RoseSkysong 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


KottonxTail hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #465500745
Registration: 13/12/2015 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 117:21 Hours
Total interactions: 41,773
Money: 119,946
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


Looking to exchange Limited plushies. Comment here to make sure I still have enough DP. Thank you :)
7 Years ago
Once again, Looking to exchange a limited plushie of 150 DP or less, please comment here first to make sure I still have enough DP
7 Years ago
Is dream level 5 a thing XD
7 Years ago
Looking to exchange a limited plushie of 150 DP or less, please comment here first to make sure I still have enough DP
7 Years ago
Still looking to exchange the last V-day plushie
7 Years ago
Looking to exchange the last limited v-day plushie only have enough to exchange one.
7 Years ago
to the two people that gifted me the limited new plusie Once i get more DP I will gift bomb you, seeing its now sold out. I was having family issues and didnt see that i was gifted two more. Sorry once again
7 Years ago
looking to do plushie exchange for the limited plushie
7 Years ago
Does anyone known if wonder trading breaks your chain if your using the masuda method?
7 Years ago
Just got Xurkitree with pokerus, wonder trading in moon got a shiny rowlet yesterday o.o someone pinch me.
7 Years ago
Hatched all the eggs needed thank you to everyone who helped.
7 Years ago
Still need to hatch three more eggs, interact with my party and I'll do the same in return, just comment here when done.
7 Years ago
Gotta hatch four eggs, if any one would be s kind to hold them I will do the same for your party just comment here when you have done so.
7 Years ago
Looking for DNA Splicer White, have DNA Splicer Black for swap.
7 Years ago
Gift exchange anyone, I have three gifts left.
7 Years ago
Gift exchange, I still have all five.
7 Years ago

Is to spend time with the one I love and have a safe holiday.
7 Years ago
Gift exchange anyone?
7 Years ago
#MyBestGiftEver was my son ♡
7 Years ago



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Viewing a Userprofile (4 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:36
possumboyTue, 06/Apr/2021, 03:48
CheshirePurrloinTue, 29/Dec/2020, 05:49
HoudiniFri, 27/Mar/2020, 05:34
-Nightmare-Sun, 28/Jul/2019, 23:41