Looking to exchange Limited plushies. Comment here to make sure I
still have enough DP. Thank you :)
Once again, Looking to exchange a limited plushie of 150 DP or
less, please comment here first to make sure I still have enough DP
Is dream level 5 a thing XD
Looking to exchange a limited plushie of 150 DP or less, please
comment here first to make sure I still have enough DP
Still looking to exchange the last V-day plushie
Looking to exchange the last limited v-day plushie only have enough
to exchange one.
to the two people that gifted me the limited new plusie Once i get
more DP I will gift bomb you, seeing its now sold out. I was having
family issues and didnt see that i was gifted two more. Sorry once
looking to do plushie exchange for the limited plushie
Does anyone known if wonder trading breaks your chain if your using
the masuda method?
Just got Xurkitree with pokerus, wonder trading in moon got a shiny
rowlet yesterday o.o someone pinch me.
Hatched all the eggs needed thank you to everyone who helped.
Still need to hatch three more eggs, interact with my party and
I'll do the same in return, just comment here when done.
Gotta hatch four eggs, if any one would be s kind to hold them I
will do the same for your party just comment here when you have
done so.
Looking for DNA Splicer White, have DNA Splicer Black for swap.
Gift exchange anyone, I have three gifts left.
Gift exchange, I still have all five.