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Trainerlevel: 12

Trainerpoints: 318/443


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
16337,806 / 91,431
Luxray471,461 / 6,798
Witch Vulpix9818,207 / 29,107
Flygon474,068 / 6,798
Mr. Mime373,221 / 4,219
Reuniclus44698 / 5,895

About Me

Hello! I'm KawaiiEspeon! My favorite pokemon are Mewtwo, Mew, Espeon and espurr!
I'm new so please warm my egg and hatch it!
I finished the introduction so feel free to battle me!


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
LunaJay 7 Years ago
Viruxe 7 Years ago
Viruxe 7 Years ago
KawaiiEspeon 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


KawaiiEspeon hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #756857373
Registration: 22/10/2016 (7 Years ago)
Game Time: 23:29 Hours
Total interactions: 12,703
Money: 66,894
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


By xShadow
Help me beat Oak! Feed Clara a berry and share it with proof. Let's get a good lead on Oak.
To enter-
-Feed Clara
-Share it
-Donate 1 rare candy = x2 chance of winning
-A shiny
-A mega-able
-A red orb
-Super Honey

Good luck! :)

[Share It] [Delibird]
7 Years ago
By MeepTheMareep02 - 12 Minute and 36 Seconds ago.

Woo, it's my birthday again! Well, I mean, it's midnight here now...

I'm raffling away 1 Shiny and 1 Mega-Able Mareep to celebrate! There will be 2 winners, 1 for each Mareep.

Just share this entire post to get an entry! You can only
7 Years ago
Help Sony in her first ever Shiny Mega Event hunt by participating in her [L] Shiny- Mega Lucario Sensei Hunt and winning awesome prizes like Ditto, Mega Stones, etc.

Sharing this gives you one ticket in her lottery.


Grand Prizes
1. Ditto
2. Mega stone and a mega able lucario sensei.
3. Mega Stone and a shiny Lucario Sensei.
4. Mega Stone
5. Choose between Shiny/Mega Able lucario sensei.

[Share It] [Delibird]
7 Years ago
#TwelveMillionDollarRaffle by Bishop

Over 100 Prizes to be given out. (In a 30 day period)

Poll on my wall regarding adding another DITTO, please vote

PRIZES: DITTO, Griseous Pearl, Mega Stone, Multiple Shinies, 500 nuggets, OVER 2,000,000 PDs

Share hashtag AND LINKS for a FREE entry (limit 1 per day per person).

Complete details can be found HERE.

SHARE IT -- Delibird -- Winner List (updated daily)
7 Years ago
Ekans backwords is Snake...
And arbok backwards is kobra!
I knew that.
7 Years ago
7 Years ago
7 Years ago
By unirainbowkitty
Hi guys! I have decided to quit pokeheroes and this time for GOOD!
I have many things to give away and I will do so in this raffle! I will be taking everything from my whole entire account and giving them away!
Each day there will be 3 winners, each getting either a pokemon, items or currency!
Good luck! To enter just repost the hashtag! I will miss you all!
7 Years ago
Check out xShadow's shiny shop! Place your shiny order now. :)

Share this hashtag once in 24 hours and once this reaches 50 shares one lucky user will get a free shiny hunt of their choice. :)

[Share It]
7 Years ago
I'm bored.
7 Years ago
7 Years ago
7 Years ago
7 Years ago
I got a Vs. seeker but can't fight yet...?
Can someone tell me how this thing works O-o
7 Years ago
Ho-Oh Raffle

Spread the hashtag #Ho_oh_Code and click here for more info!

[About This Raffle]
7 Years ago


Last Action
Managing Pokémon-Party (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:32
WowgaBowgaWed, 17/Jul/2019, 01:08
ViruxeWed, 17/Jan/2018, 22:42
BishopMon, 07/Aug/2017, 14:41
FrozenFireSun, 16/Jul/2017, 23:21