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Trainerlevel: 12

Trainerpoints: 82/443


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Toucannon756,819 / 17,101
Spritzee7115,074 / 15,337
Basculin (Red)651,715 / 12,871
Sharpedo6213,436 / 14,649
Vanilluxe642,468 / 15,601
Talonflame7410,718 / 17,847

About Me

Hey :D im Crysty call me Chris if you want i love pokemon from season 5 to present i started loving it by cheetos in Romania in 2006 there was a collection of jumping pokemon discs thats how i started loving Pokemon so yeah thats my story of Pokemon.


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Turtwiggy 9 Years ago
MrChiwiWolf 9 Years ago
Frost 10 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


GoldenCry82 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #357139144
Registration: 08/11/2013 (10 Years ago)
Game Time: 35:44 Hours
Total interactions: 6,709
Money: 11,469
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


#WhatMakesMeHappy Watching some WWE makes my day. #MondayNightRaw
8 Years ago
I'm back
9 Years ago
still sick i hate this
10 Years ago
hey everybody hello and yeah i just got to bed i mean i was sick so i cant play ok
10 Years ago
im back and now my other friend bestmarius you should check his profile ok im just helping them and thats all for now bye
10 Years ago
good my friend j1mk is on now you guys should check his profile ok and lets do an luxio so lets lvl up shinx and blizle and rocky ok
10 Years ago
hey guys lets charge at pidgey toothless and nidocool ok guys
10 Years ago
i finnaly got the 6 pokemons damn im good but first thanks from you guys for all your support and help so guys you guys are cooler then me hope you an good day and cool pokemons and a lot of luck
10 Years ago
thanks i finnaly got my starter and 3 pokemons
10 Years ago
thank you guys very much i finnaly have an pokemon thanks i will be good like you guys and get back the favor
10 Years ago



Last Action
Viewing a Pokemon (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:16
TurtwiggyMon, 15/Mar/2021, 19:45
~The_Lighting_Mod_WolfMon, 02/Jan/2017, 07:38
BurningManWed, 21/Dec/2016, 04:09
G-O-K-USat, 17/Dec/2016, 08:35