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Trainerlevel: 23

Trainerpoints: 730/1,609


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Haunter736,317 / 17,343
1254,897 / 53,036
Easter Slaking542,383 / 11,139
Emolga7414,845 / 16,651
Bold211,074 / 1,734
Amoonguss721,985 / 15,769

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Newest gifts
ChocoDucky 7 Years ago
Whitenight 7 Years ago
FelixFelicius 7 Years ago
Tatarikun 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


FelixFelicius hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #957753298
Registration: 24/09/2016 (7 Years ago)
Game Time: 126:22 Hours
Total interactions: 122,439
Money: 146,552
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


uh. exactly HOW strong of a pokemon do i need to beat giratina?
7 Years ago
i, felix, your favorite neighborhood screw-up, have finally finished the higher-or-lower task

after nearly fifty straight tries.

i dont like higher-or-lower
7 Years ago
uuuhh... im kind of stuck on the dream world task
does anyone know what to do?
7 Years ago
Hey, FelixFelicius!

How is my Yamask doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 42, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Yamask is on Level 53, so you have to work even harder! But I'm sure you can do it.

Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then.
Please keep it in your Party or in one of your Storage Boxes in the meantime.

that's this little guy right here. clicks are appreciated
7 Years ago
i just got a quest from prof rowan
could anyone please click the lil yamask in my party?
7 Years ago
7 Years ago
7 Years ago
i know that the entire point of the honey tree is to, well, put honey on it, and catch pokemon who come to eat it...

and yet, any rare time i actually find anything on the tree, my automatic reaction is still usually: '???? GET AWAY FROM MY HONEY'
7 Years ago
suddenly, there are seventeen eggs in the daycare.
i dont know why my pair suddenly decided to really try, ahem, 'contributing to the circle of life' with this much zest, but okay
7 Years ago
if you're having trouble typing anything into your valentine's card, consider the following before sending a blank:

1) just say 'happy valentines day', or something to that effect
2) a short, small compliment. it could range from 'i think you're cool', to 'i think you deserve a whole ton of valentines'
3) winky emoji ;)

actually, ignore 1, 2, and 3, and just send a pokemon themed pickup line, its guaranteed to work, okay, just trust me on this one
7 Years ago
im finally sending out my valentines. about time.
7 Years ago
anyone want to exchange hearttomb plushies? i really want one before they run out :P
7 Years ago
i got a card? wow.

its a sweet one, and anonymous. cant send any back :(
7 Years ago
my celebi finally hatched!
7 Years ago
By Cupcakes_ - 20 Hours and 16 Minutes ago.
I've decided to raffle a shiny Braixen winner will be decided with the 3 top people that have the most tickets than those 3 names will be randomly generated Message me if u have any questions ^^

Share this hashtag #CupcakesBraixen 10 tickets per day
Send me any boxes or keys 20 tickets per box or key
Send me any gem 1 ticket per gem

Raffle ends Friday but only if 25 people or more enter the raffle ^^ if not it will be extended to the 13th

Have fun everyone and good luck ^^
7 Years ago
By Cupcakes_ - 2 Minutes and 52 Seconds ago.
I've decided to raffle a shiny Braixen winner will be decided with the 3 top people that have the most tickets than those 3 names will be randomly generated Message me if u have any questions ^^

Share this hashtag #CupcakesBraixen 10 tickets per day
Send me any boxes or keys 20 tickets per box or key
Send me any gem 1 ticket per gem

Raffle ends Friday but only if 25 people or more enter the raffle ^^ if not it will be extended to the 13th

Have fun everyone and good luck ^^
7 Years ago
id really like to give out some plushies right now, since ive saved up some dream pints.

anyone want? ill try my best to get to anyone that comments
7 Years ago
your daily reminder that i am always ready to smack down

anyone want to battle??
7 Years ago
Does anyone. Like. Literally anyone want to battle right now? I really want to battle right now. I'll accept any offers!

7 Years ago
7 Years ago



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Viewing current Event Distribution (7 Years ago)

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MercilessPurgeMon, 11/Jul/2022, 15:17
SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:10
zuramaruSat, 04/Apr/2020, 07:15
typomouseSun, 27/Oct/2019, 00:35
AkeldamaSun, 20/Oct/2019, 05:43