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Trainerlevel: 5

Trainerpoints: 46/79


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
8314,758 / 26,146
Heracross7118,064 / 19,171
10226,282 / 31,519
9825,679 / 32,073
9628,817 / 30,729
10523,896 / 26,712

About Me

[color=red]Oh. It


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Ufimtsev 10 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Fabulous hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #167371565
Registration: 22/07/2014 (10 Years ago)
Game Time: 9:00 Hours
Total interactions: 252
Money: 6,114
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken


We're getting a new mod. 030
10 Years ago
What's going on? #maiimawile
10 Years ago
10 Years ago
10 Years ago
#RowansCricket Did it~ =3=
10 Years ago
Look at dem eyebrows.
10 Years ago
I just got a plushie!! ^¬^
10 Years ago
#RaltsOfLuck Just gonna try here. :L
10 Years ago
#BeforeSchoolRaffle Anything you’d like, and good luck!
10 Years ago
#BergAlmighty Yesss. :3
10 Years ago
#UnKnownHHH :3
10 Years ago
#FlowerCrownCult Oh wow, how much have grown. XD
10 Years ago
#LaprasCyprus o¬o Good luck to all~
10 Years ago
#ShinyRiolu Combat for a male, and Thievery for a female 0¬0
10 Years ago
I am now officially broke.. 0_0
10 Years ago
ii am now a flower crowned 2ollux!!
10 Years ago
#FreeCelebiAndShaymin Um... Shaymin? 0¬0
10 Years ago
Hehehe. I’m a Sollux now!!! *Evil pig laughter*
10 Years ago
Happeh birthdai Leooo! UwU
10 Years ago
OH MAI GOD Anime is so hard to come by these days.
10 Years ago



Last Action
Viewing qwerty (9 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:10
lucidSat, 24/Dec/2016, 03:10
charmander02Tue, 21/Jun/2016, 15:31
GreenTeaThu, 05/Nov/2015, 08:36
AbyssThu, 29/Oct/2015, 09:32