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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 13

Trainerpoints: 1/519


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Ampharos14156,573 / 67,935
Gumshoos14131,808 / 60,067
Uxie384,221 / 5,559
Pachirisnow16455,701 / 81,181

All the pokemon in my sell box is sold at my sell shop! Go to this link!

My historical Moments on ph

My First Shiny Giga

My First Legend

The Pokemon I Favour The Most

My First Shiny


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
LALVOE 2 Months ago
Shadowplay 2 Months ago
Shadowplay 2 Months ago
Shadowplay 2 Months ago

Shiny Hunt

ElectricalPhoenix is currently hunting Mareep.
Hunt started: 15/03/2024

Chain: 1
0 0 0

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


ElectricalPhoenix hasn't collected any medals so far.


Last Action
Reading the news (18 Minutes ago)


Game Records

Trainer ID: #636037017
Registration: 26/05/2022 (2 Years ago)
Game Time: 180:53 Hours
Total interactions: 5,131
Money: 31,887
Starter Pokémon: Feraligatr


2 Months ago
Anyone exchange shinies for scarlet and violet?
4 Months ago
A new hunt is starting, I think I'll choose something easy
4 Months ago
I realized something yesterday, the two shiny plushes worth 30 are all two red stars
4 Months ago
While someone has already got a shiny newton, I still do not know how to get one
4 Months ago
Ok giving out the two normal retros in the fair, anyone wants them reply and I'll send one randomly
4 Months ago
Anyone exchange shinies on nintendo. Yesterday I was on the lake trying to complete my dex and I found a shiny slowbro
4 Months ago
Anyone still plays scarlet and violet?
4 Months ago

Feed My Retro Charizard a Berry pls! Wanna Get him in medal rally

Small Giveaway

If he gets Top 3

First Place: Random Shiny Pokemon!
Second Place: Random Legendary Pokemon!
Third Place: Random Event Pokemon!

How to Enter
-Heart Original Feed
Post Whole Feed
-Comment Proof of Feeding Berry (1 Entry per berry or Guest Click)

Extra Entries: Every Rare Candy Gifted = 50 Entries!
4 Months ago
Is everybody's plush in the fair event different? Mines is bold
4 Months ago
Is someone here?
4 Months ago
Anyone send a gift to me?
7 Months ago
interact with this egg pls
9 Months ago
9 Months ago
Could everyone help me with my anniversary egg please? Thanks for the help!
9 Months ago
after month, I am finally back
although I won't be as active a half a year ago, I will be online about three times a week
9 Months ago
Hi, I'll be here 1min a day It's blocked for me
1 Year ago
MMMTH,I would have hoped that scarlet and violet would had mega. I have both Licario and gardevoir on my team, so... ...
1 Year ago
#MyCoolestPokemon Shadow Zapdos that I got in a giveaway
1 Year ago

Last Visitors

SainagurlWed, 24/Jul/2024, 13:47
YakoWed, 05/Jun/2024, 00:15
ALz_Thu, 02/May/2024, 10:58
EmissaSat, 20/Apr/2024, 01:49
TobiLikesToastSun, 14/Apr/2024, 17:21