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Trainerlevel: 18

Trainerpoints: 606/989


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Pichu621,172 / 11,719
Vanilluxe4852 / 8,821
Beedrill603,268 / 10,981
Skitty7512,982 / 13,680
Bibarel621,815 / 11,719


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Newest gifts
Laly89 8 Years ago
GrayLady 9 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Dragonoid hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #457232485
Registration: 23/08/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 47:07 Hours
Total interactions: 27,376
Money: 5,024
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


Points: 26
Wrong Guesses: 13
Game Chips Won: 2,000
Special Prize: Chikorita (Retro) Egg!
8 Years ago
You push the light blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curious in it...

1x Water Stone found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
8 Years ago
You push the pink key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curious in it...

454x Pokédollar found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
8 Years ago
You push the gold key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curious in it...

1x Claw Fossil found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
8 Years ago
You push the green key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curious in it...

5x Ice Gem found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
8 Years ago
You push the dark blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curious in it...

1x Thunderstone found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
8 Years ago
You push the green key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curious in it...

4x Mago Berry found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
8 Years ago
You push the dark blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curious in it...

4x Yache Berry found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
9 Years ago
Need a miltank :(
9 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 22:04
KyuteiruFri, 10/May/2019, 18:42
GreenTeaThu, 05/Nov/2015, 08:31
pokemon8356Fri, 30/Oct/2015, 17:43
AbyssThu, 29/Oct/2015, 09:26