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Rock Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 28

Trainerpoints: 1,724/2,379


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Raticate22688 / 1,519
Foongus211,238 / 1,387
Pachirisu28843 / 2,437
Oricorio (Pom-Pom)231,222 / 1,657
Swalot292,525 / 2,786
Dachsbun302,513 / 2,534


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Newest gifts
Faith-Of-Hope 9 Months ago
DSJect 9 Months ago
DSJect 9 Months ago
Coco_the_dog 9 Months ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


DSJect hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #179702976
Registration: 29/08/2023 (10 Months ago)
Game Time: 74:35 Hours
Total interactions: 381,225
Money: 51,747
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


By S1ren - 12 Hours and 46 Minutes ago.
I need to add more ppl to my friendlist... so it's time for another giveaway!! The rules are simple--the prize will start off as 5 nuggets, and 1 nugget is added on to the prize for:

- Each person that adds me to their friendlist
- Each person that spreads #UnlimitedNuggies (only counts once, but you can do it as many times as you want!)
- Each person that hearts this feed

So if you do all these, a total of three nuggets is added to the total. 8 doesn't seem like a lot, but if 20 users join, the prize will become 65 nuggets. And if 200 users join, the prize will become 605 nuggets. The prize total will keep increasing as ppl participate :D

The nuggets will be split among three lucky winners after the giveaway closes, which will be at reset a week from now (prize will be rounded if uneven). To have a chance of winning, you have to have done at least one of the actions above! So, what are you waiting for?
9 Months ago
I wonder how many pokemons are being released after being hatched today..
9 Months ago
9 Months ago
By Nekoplant - 15 Hours and 28 Minutes ago.
By TheLemonLord - 26 Minutes and 4 Seconds ago.
heyo guys, share #WESTANBEARNICE and heart this feed for a chance at 250k pd, also if you get where this is coming from- ily.

ends Friday 4 hrs after reset.
9 Months ago
9 Months ago
9 Months ago

First Pokemons




Last Visitors

aspirationfailureFri, 08/Mar/2024, 13:19
SwiftphoenixSat, 04/Nov/2023, 07:34
~MysteryMew~Wed, 18/Oct/2023, 16:52
Tyler4Sat, 14/Oct/2023, 14:10
ThyDumManWed, 27/Sep/2023, 16:03