does anyone have a female relicanth for sale/trade?
was wondering if someone is interested in doing a plushie swap with
the 3 new pikachu ones.
just got a Shiny Megable Male Ralts @ chain 135 :)
hmmm... just clicked the ditto in the Lab and it disappeared.
wonder if that means anything or not.
I have a Spare Mega-able Weedle if someone is interested in it.
hmmmm no idea how a megable Retro Bulbasaur is supposed to work...
it can't even evlove
Congratulations! A shiny Weedle hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #151)!
haha, just so happens that I got a Shiny mega from the one egg i
grabbed from the high Grass!
so, im curious. does it take more than just having a male/female of
the same breed to do the breeding? I have had 3 pairs where the
daycare message said that 'they dont seem to like eachother very
Congratulations! A shiny Heracross hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #49)! :)
holy sh*t! 2 mega able Heracross in a 2 hour period!
You fed Kyogre a Yache Berry!
The Pokémon raised by 4,424 x 2 = 8,848 Exp. Points.
You have been rewarded with 10 Pokédollar!
i didn't know Shinies showed up at the honey tree!
wow, just got an azelf egg voucher :)
figures that my shiny combee is a female...
looking to purchase a mega stone for my Gengar. have nuggets to pay
for one.
I'm looking for a female. does anyone have one for sale?
got a raylong and Giratina egg started :)
I just got my first shiny!
good lord Mega Stones are expensive