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Trainerlevel: 17

Trainerpoints: 765/883


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Ampharos462,449 / 6,489


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Hamlet 26 Days ago
Gojirath 1 Month ago
Liana 1 Month ago
-Radiant- 1 Month ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Bolivian-prince hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #307288385
Registration: 25/07/2024 (1 Month ago)
Game Time: 46:14 Hours
Total interactions: 31,009
Money: 33,406
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken


Hi guys I’m currently restocking my berry booth since I’m selling extremely low prices and thank you all for your support
1 Month ago
Egg interaction pls
1 Month ago
Guys please I just need one more egg interaction. >_<
1 Month ago
Or free beautifly
Will get for you asap if you request. All for free :)
1 Month ago
I’ll get to whoever’s fastest
1 Month ago
Put in GTS
1 Month ago
Anypne want free magikarp???
1 Month ago
I have5 above lv 10 rest new hatchlings
1 Month ago
Just set up a private trade
1 Month ago
If anyone want some tentacools I’m happy to give away for free.
1 Month ago
Pls interact, will repay
1 Month ago



Last Action
Interacting (16 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

FrostyyTue, 17/Sep/2024, 11:15
SwiftphoenixMon, 09/Sep/2024, 21:12
OMFG_HESat, 07/Sep/2024, 05:03
SwampertIsCoolTue, 27/Aug/2024, 03:41
satel19Mon, 26/Aug/2024, 11:38