You push the dark blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice
to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...
5x Nugget found!
The key breaks and becomes useless.
woot woot
Ik i havent been on in a long while or posted much but yesterday
kinda hit me out of nowhere...while i was at work i collapsed from
exhaustion and had seizure...i will say tho i thank my coworkers
for following me (i was acting odd for 15 min, being totally silent
but somewhat responsive) and had he not followed me into the
walk-in i probably be in even worse shape, not just sore muscles,
scrapes and a small tongue bite.. so this is a shoutout to anyone
who has helped anyone with epilepsy you saved their lives and i
thank it even more being Pride month <3 i am doing ok i was
given the rest of my work week off and should be good to go back
Thank you for reading and Happy Pride Month <3
You push the red key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the
left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...
1x Hollow Space (Map) found!
The key breaks and becomes useless.
H its been a few weeks since I was on but i have my reasons.
Grandmother passed away from covid and its hit me hard. Will try to
be on more but cant really promise
Today has been a bad day...lost my grandmother this morning due to
covid and I have not been ok...I will be probably taking a break
from interacting with anyone for a couple of days.. please everyone
be safe and wear masks...
Happy 2022 everyone, tho it won't be the same without Betty White
anymore...a true legendary actress RIP
I don't normally post my personal life but, last month body was
giving me some 'mixed signals' about we women go through, and this
month nada, took a home test and said nada :/ Long story short next
month/year (4th) I will find out if I got a mini bean or not 😅
#MyGoalForNextYear I'm hoping me and the bf get
property and start to build so we can start bringing little beans
to the world 🥰
What are old vinyls for???
I have no idea what I got but I can't breathe and my eyes feel
swollen not to mention my throat is sore from coughing 😷 not covid
(trust me I would know cause I already had it once) but uggghh
You push the light blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice
to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...
1x Red Orb found!
The key breaks and becomes useless.
Finally got all the hangman without help and now I got an event egg
anyone already know what it is yet??
When you try destressing only to get stressed out more...yay ..
Can people please stop pming me asking me about my gems??? If I was
going to sell me gems I would have done so. 🤦🏼♀️Please stop asking
even if I said no, I will try to help but I'm not giving you
everything i have.
How do I upgrade my cooking pot..?
First egg from shellos north anyone needing any?
In case if anyone is wondering obviously i haven't quit... I love
pokeheroes and lately my depression and emotions have really taken
over me effecting me and those around me. Never meant to take it
out anyone on here or anything just depression is a dangerous
illness...but hopefully that can change very soon I won't say
anything more until I myself know more, all I can say is my body
has been saying 'AYE! Something is going on and we need to know,
PRONTO! Start checking down the list..' I will keep an update but
for now I'm just going to enjoy some pokeheroes 😅
You know what...I think I'm just going to quit...too much stuff in
the real world going on that I can't even go online to destress or
be myself without someone pinning me for everything i do...thanks
for the 3 years I guess..will probably just give my Pokemon and
stuff away or just delete it all with the account...I'm done
stressing in the real world and can't detress online..
Why is that people always pm me about my trades being too much??
I'm following the price check forum to the T and what I ask for is
a fair price not too low or too high legit in the middle 🤦🏼♀️😓