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Trainerlevel: 5

Trainerpoints: 61/79


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Igglybuff704,538 / 11,928
Empoleon654,292 / 13,580
Vanilluxe482,436 / 8,821
Luxray547,327 / 9,159
Boldore578,883 / 10,278
Dugtrio412,987 / 5,167

About Me

My name is Helen, I'm 22 from the UK.
I love cars, technology and gaming.

I like playing Pokemon and different gaming.
When I first began playing pokemon, pikachu yellow with the Gameboy Pocket was my first ever game.

I'm currently playing pokemon oras and X


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Nekomaru_Nidai 8 Years ago
Hi_Im_Bob 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


AstraKid hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #16741664
Registration: 12/11/2015 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 1:50 Hours
Total interactions: 213
Money: 10,496
Starter Pokémon: Empoleon


AstraKid hasn't posted any feeds so far.


Last Action
Watching the Rumble Overview (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 21:43
Disco_SheepWed, 04/Apr/2018, 23:26
Darkmasster777Tue, 09/Feb/2016, 20:40
bluerose90Tue, 01/Dec/2015, 00:00
sofyroseSat, 21/Nov/2015, 19:20