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Trainerlevel: 8

Trainerpoints: 103/199


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Poliwhirl361,859 / 3,801
Haunter34569 / 3,351
Shellos (West)271,485 / 2,269
Karrablast301,351 / 2,791
Budew3071 / 2,534
Dustox302,559 / 2,791

About Me

Hello pokemon fans. I am Ante Luetic, i am from Croatia in Split, i am a very big,big,big fan of pokemon.

Give some love to my first starter and to all my pokemons in the box. 8)


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
YunaChan 9 Years ago
drafang62 10 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


AnteLuetic hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #626505152
Registration: 31/01/2014 (10 Years ago)
Game Time: 37:02 Hours
Total interactions: 1,101
Money: 30,977
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


Can some one borow me 50 000 pokedollars for reper the gem couldren?
10 Years ago
Can some one borow me 9 big nuggets?
10 Years ago
Lagg will kill my computer and internet!!!!!
10 Years ago
Is it smart too sell all my berrys becouse i never use them?
10 Years ago
can some one borow me 50 000 pokedollars for the pokeradar to charg up for shiny hunting plizz?
10 Years ago
help hach my egg: [ur=http://www.pokeheroes.com/pokemon.php?id=298611][img]http://www.pokeheroes.com/img/pkmnimage.php?id=298611[/img][/url]
10 Years ago
Helh hach my 1.Ice pokemon and whh my luck if it haches in too a male lapras: [img]http://www.pokeheroes.com/img/pkmncard.php?id=285850[/img]
10 Years ago
guys give my idease for my page for a chat quiz
10 Years ago
help evolvle my nidoran male in too a nidorino and in the coments give him a good nickname here is the link: [img]http://www.pokeheroes.com/img/pkmncard.php?id=280315[/img]
10 Years ago
Helh hach my 1.Ice pokemon and whh my luck if it haches in too a male lapras: [img]http://www.pokeheroes.com/img/pkmncard.php?id=285850[/img]
10 Years ago
Help hach my egg I need 1 more interact: [img]http://www.pokeheroes.com/img/pkmncard.php?id=284707[/img]
10 Years ago
elp ha my g and a good nickname for my nidoran male in the coments: [img]http://www.pokeheroes.com/img/pkmncard.php?id=284707[/img]
10 Years ago
Wath nickname is od for a male van bagon: Leonardo da Vinci or Picasso? Thel in the coments wath nickname is beter.
10 Years ago
Help me guys I need 1 more interact to hach my egg: [img]http://www.pokeheroes.com/img/pkmncard.php?id=280315[/img]
10 Years ago
How can i get a Kyurem egg?
10 Years ago


Last Action
Viewing qwerty (10 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 21:41
SylvaFri, 11/May/2018, 17:28
Disco_SheepMon, 19/Feb/2018, 15:36
ScraftyWithClassSun, 15/Jan/2017, 14:59
YunaChanMon, 19/Sep/2016, 12:23