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Trainerlevel: 23

Trainerpoints: 312/1,609


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Mantyke463,770 / 8,109
Hippowdon40810 / 6,151
Cleffa791,725 / 15,169
Rhydon581,961 / 12,834

About Me

I am from New Zealand and i also love DOCTOR WHO A LOT and i love Anime and talk to many people on pokeheros so you can talk to me if you want and i love anime


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
KingdomHearts95 7 Years ago
StikkyEbi 8 Years ago
nextname 8 Years ago
prunella666 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Animechick hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #847671891
Registration: 05/12/2014 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 214:50 Hours
Total interactions: 16,230
Money: 118,066
Starter Pokémon: Sceptile


Hi everyone I have a Pokemon from the professor and it's a contest to level up the Pokemon can everyone please level up the Pokemon and it would have a ever stone on the Pokemon the goal is get level up highest as possible thank you
8 Years ago
does anyone want some Pokémon because I got doubles ups
Butterfree 2x
Graveler 2x
Voltorb 2x
Koffing 2x
Cleffa 2x
Dustox 2x
swallow 2x
and don't tell me that can release them into the wild and that I am offering them if you want
8 Years ago
good news everyone I got a pokemon called phione
8 Years ago
yay I got a starter egg *feeling happy with tears*
8 Years ago



Last Action
Visiting Prof. Rowan (6 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SwampFallTue, 12/Oct/2021, 21:41
TonyPandaTue, 28/Jul/2020, 05:31
sofyroseSat, 29/Sep/2018, 00:38
holdurbuttsWed, 05/Sep/2018, 16:54
Disco_SheepMon, 19/Feb/2018, 15:14