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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!

Level: 489
EXP: 82,722 /718,831

Health Points 289
Attack 219
Defense 155
Sp. Attack 141
Sp. Defense 167
Speed 223
Pokédex No. #744
Rarity Medium
Nature Jolly
Trainer Damian_The_Sewer_Rat
Origin. Trainer SourApple
Obtained 3 Months and 18 Days ago
Received from the Gem Collector
Family Tree
Hatched 3 Months and 18 Days ago


Comet wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (79)

Pumatje, dankmeme417, Monkeynuts, monsteraw_13, Ashe012, WalkingOnSunshine, Thaaya, ShadowXTM, Chilenka, Youyou67190, Yxoul, ImperialHound, WendyAlice, Sharely, Monkeynut, Shoopeu, Hay-Shaymin, BluRay, Jolteon_Trainer, MysteriousMe, Neva, ~Bunny_Lord~, Piplupfan6828, rx_fr, Braixie, Kysn, Al4te, TheHolyFish, Mihawkgaming49, tepig87, Iexist718, Aisaka, -Alakazam-, DumbleDont, Kloppo, phuc01, Solo~Leveling, FlufferBuffer, Cerdessius, iMocha, ~*Spiderrs17*~, Vampirecat, amaikoneko, Pinkysun, specialstar, BarnacleBoy, Verenka, Morgan-Anderton, SrFang, Willowfur, Raspay, Graves, Boots, NaxRelu, VinniePhasmid, JUSTBADMAN, NitaKalaga, dankuu8, Rinne, vvangel, Dewiheerde, Darenia, puddleluv, Nadgobus, Purgatory, Randolph4811, cynda1, Crystabal, Frostine, KaizenShuu03, NovelEgret3512, ~Pikachow9375~, Nauxiak, Devinbuck20, Deeeepteam, vintageghost, Cyain, Homework_sis, meggylu5.