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Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

Level: 270
EXP: 55,994 /255,398

Health Points 326
Attack 201
Defense 209
Sp. Attack 187
Sp. Defense 166
Speed 239
Pokédex No. #18
Rarity Easy
Nature Quirky
Trainer Wilbraham
Origin. Trainer Boots
Breeder Boots
Obtained 3 Months and 26 Days ago
Bred in the Daycare
Family Tree
Hatched 3 Months and 26 Days ago


Pidgeot wants to train with you a bit!


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Received interactions today (79)

MotherNature, nymk3, IVEY, monsteraw_13, Ashe012, WalkingOnSunshine, Rivete, SourApple, Uhdawn, 8lack_tsuge, cloverangel, ant21, Sharely, marinaspencer_, Gyutaro, TheNidoranProject, sieskitty, spiritwolfy13, Adminus, Jadestar, cameron33268110, Mouse_the_puddle, CheeseSandwich, Braixie, Dragonbunny, Aninha, Fomantis, MoonlitZorua, Caitlyn, NaranciaGhirga, TheBlueOwl, Fiverz, VarsityRisneX, iMocha, Squeeeeep, Wilbraham, Vice_Age-YT, Swiftphoenix, kokong, Yuji_Himtadori, HepHasTus, Hex-77, Purrloin, tipy98, specialstar, MeandI, Tuna, BarnacleBoy, AkaneShinso23, Verenka, WenDipper, Morgan-Anderton, CelestialStitch, MythicOracle, angieco, -XYZ-, LilithClawthorne, Chris-Walker, Boots, Gojira1984, Rapmon, duchesseevee, rururis, BlackedReality18, Rinne, *CrystalWinter*, LloydFrontera, Nadgobus, Eeveelution_Masters, PlumeLagoon, Purgatory, Eto_Yoshimura, Qwertyuiop9_9_9, Magnoliag995, Vantas, sprigatito, ShiroTempest, Cyain, meggylu5.