Forum Thread
Team Haunter
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Team Haunter
You come down the street of an unknown road and saw a small shop in the path. You decided to enter it. It was dark inside and you shivered with cold. Suddenly a shrill voice speaks to you. "For what are you here?" You turn around and see a mysterious lady standing in the shadows.
Run away as fast as you can
State bravely that you wanted to explore this place.
So, explore is all you wanted to do eh! The lady comes out of the shadow and you realized that she was dressed like a Haunter. She said "Do you know that this is a secret place of a secret team? Do you want to be a member of it?
State NO and walk out of here
You say "OF course, why not".
"So, you want to be a member eh! Come with me then." You walk with that lady to the back of the shop. She then said "You must read this before entering this club"

2.Follow all PH rules
3.No rude behavior, password is India.
4.Always use the form.
5.No swearing and insulting any pokemon or member.
6. And have fun
After reading the somewhat boring page you exit the shop and enter the secret place. You see just a lot of Haunters being trained. You are handed over a form and asked to fill it up properly.

[b]How active you are?:[/b]
[b]Why do you like Haunters?:[/b]
[b]How active you are?:[/b]
[b]Why do you like Haunters?:[/b]
The lady said, "Now that you have roamed around this place, you will be taken to our leader. Are you ready?
Say no and leave
Say yes you are ready.
[i]She said, "So, you are ready. Okay let's go inside. The lady took you inside a large room, where a mysterious person was sitting in the shadow. You notice a shiny Haunter by the side of him. The lady bowed to that person and said that you wanted to join your group, she also handed over the form to him. He saw the form like he was watching a film. Then he made his first speech. "Would you like to be a mini mod or a co-leader. "He handed another form to you.

Special Post please!!
[b]Why do you want to be a mini-mod?:[/b]
[b]Co-leader or mini-mod?[/b]:
[b]Why do you want to be a mini-mod?:[/b]
[b]Co-leader or mini-mod?[/b]:
*We are no more accepting mini-mods or co-leaders

They should be friendly.
They should maintain their job well.
They can kick anyone out of this club.
They can accept members into the club.
[i]The lady handed a list to you saying members. This is how it read

1. Lord Haunter (Pikablu) ~ Post - Leader
2. Faizaan (Faizaans) ~ Post - Co-leader
3. Aura (Pokemonlover18 ) ~ Post - [b]Co-leader
4. Trainer_Red ~ Post - Mini-mod
5. Shadow_Girl - ~ Post - Mini-mod
6. Chetan (Ultimateking) ~ Post - Event Designer
7. Ampharei (Amphareixon) ~ Post - Member
8. Turtle (Corebess) ~ Post - Member
9. Yu Narukami (BenDrowned) ~ Post - Member
10. Redreaper (AtlanticAvenger0 ~ Post - Member
11. Char (CharGaming) ~ Post - Member
12. Kioiki (Ristle) ~ Post - Member
13. Nabukodonozor ~ Post - Member
14. drako (drako22233) ~ Post - Member
15. Mar (MischiefHowl) ~ Post - Member
16. cikii (Pokeheroes1) ~ Post - Member
17. Noctis ~ Post - Member
18. Eevee (Eeveelove) ~ Post - Member
19. Endy ~ Post - Member
20. Tooth (Banette) ~ Post - Member
21. Kat (Meowchi) ~ Post - Member
22. Vict (Victoria) ~ Post - Member
23. saurish (sauri) ~ Post - Member
24. dragonfan (dragy) ~ Post - Member
25. lemonadedancer (Puff) ~ Post - Member
26. ultronus (randy) ~ Post - Member
We are also having some special events around this time. You can be part of it.

Winner - Faizaan
2. Strongest of the stronger [currently going on]

Some teams/ groups or clans are good friend of ours but some are great enemies. This list contains their list.

Allies - None so far
Enemies - Pokemon Battle Academy
Report your club as an Ally or enemy. Fill this form
Enemies - Pokemon Battle Academy
Report your club as an Ally or enemy. Fill this form
[b]Name of group or team or clan
[b]Founder - [/b]
[b]Why do you want to make your group an ally or enemy - [/b]
[b]Founder - [/b]
[b]Why do you want to make your group an ally or enemy - [/b]
[i]You can also be banned if you do not follow the rules. Three times warning = Banned.

Ask me questions
I would like to apply two co-leaders and a mod. Please fill out the form.
Ask me questions
Now you can report your club as an Allie or Enemy of Team Haunter. To do this follow the main post and fill out the form. If you are an Allie come on to be together and battle the enemies and all the enemies should be ready for sudden attacks from Team Haunter.
Ask me questions
Ask me questions
Nickname: Red
Why do you want to be a mini-mod?: Because I have always liked to guide people through things, slow or fast, kind or kind X3
Co-leader or mini-mod?: Cannot decide, probably only a Mini-mod as I don't want too much power. :)
(Oh yeah, and just in case I need to say.. Password is India)

Ask me questions
I also, just to say, like Haunter because:
1. I like Gengar.
2. Haunter is a pretty useful Pokemon :)
3. Look at it's sprites, from Pokemon Red, Green, Blue and Yellow:
4. It is purple, I like the colour purple.

Username: ultimateking
Nickname: Chetan
How active are you? I visit this site every day
Password: India
Why do you like Haunters? Look at Haunter it seems to haunt humans with its ghostlyness
EDIT: I was typing this down while you were typing it back down properly again, but now you have posted again before me, I don't think you need this :)