Remember Vanillite, Spheal and Delibird from the Advent Calendar?
For years, I have wondered if the dear trio invited to our
Christmas parties would ever change. Many have prepared to lend the
trio during their annual arrival, but what if...the 24th Advent
door asks to see some other Pokemon instead? Enter Polestar's Ark:
a collection of Ice-type and other holiday-themed mons, just for
that scenario!
Buying the following Pokemon for PD, I will reply in
this thread and set up the PT!
I will pay 100PD extra and refund
Everstones for Swinub, Smoochum, Shellos (North), Snover, Winter
Deerling, Cubchoo, Amaura and Bermite if you give them
With that said, even if I'm no longer active on PH, come December
24 and if the advent mons ever changes? DM me on Discord. I will
personally come online and set up those trades so my 2 million PD isn't wasted. Let's hope
it doesn't, though! and I don't have
to update the mons with new generations too often...
By the way, Meep also collects Mareep and Charjabug, and she'd love
to collect them from different trainers! Let her know if you have
any for sale!