Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → WishesElectris had been up for a while. He was watching Saffy and blushed slightly. He slowly got to his feet and yawned.

“Get OUT of MY TERRITORY “ roared a pyroar
flareskull ran away hissing back at the pyroar, scared of what would happen
the pyroar started to hiss loudly, turning back into a zorua
“Good job.” Said a pyroar
“No problem, dad” said the zorua
end of flashback
Flareskull started to hiss

Profile picture by me :)
she appeared back with a large pile of assorted berries
she sensed FlareSkull's fear, panicking herself,
she looked over to see Flareskull,
Pakuona used teleport!
she teleported infront of flareskull
"a-are y-you okay F-Flareskull..?!"
she looked back quickly to see the jolteon chasing after FlareSkull
Pakuona used protect (on flareskull)!
(look at page 9 for context of the first two lines)
"M-My apologies, m-miss... I was trying to notify you that the others are in slumber... I didn't want them to arouse so suddenly, they seem... well... t-tired...
You don't have t-to forgive me, m-miss... take this..."
He placed the biscuit by her.

'why did i think the worst of the situation..? i'm so stupid.!'
Pakuona used teleport!
she teleported behind a tree not so far away.