so in the Advent Calendar. The door doesn't work. So I click it a
bunch of times thinking that this might work
But I checked the forums. It's like there's bugs where it actually
doesn't work
But then I just went to the Game Center and my game chips, from
638? Went TO 54,638. So. I went again clicked the advent calendar.
It's now 54,838. So yeah so our prize was 200 game chips. Meaning I
clicked 271 TIMES in the advent calendar. Try checking it
yourselves and I wish this is fixed.
Yeah, I tested it on mine once after reading yours and the same
happened. :/ I'd feel bad using that for points I didn't earn,
(plus it's prolly not within the spirit of the rules) so I'm gonna
wait until it's fixed. Hope people get a pass or something similar
so we don't lose our baby Latias or Latios. Thanks for figuring out
it kinda works.
I was spamming it back in the morning in hopes for it to open and…
"You have 120,365 Game Chips at the moment." I remember having
around 80k, so I can confirm it happens to me too.
"What you do with the gift of life determines who you are"
- Mewtwo
I’m also experiencing this. Went from 7k to 31k. Is the door
appearing black for anyone too? The door is not appearing black for
me. When I click on it nothing comes up, but when I click on other
doors it gives either of the regular messages.