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Forum-Index Diaries Quest Log
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Wed, 18/09/2024 04:04 (5 Months ago)
Rowan Quests:
#1 - Berry Juice
#2 - The contest of the Profs
#3 - Berry Juice
#4 - Berry Juice
#5 - A delivery from the Gem Collector
#6 - Rowan's invention
#7 - Berry Juice
#8 - Berry Juice
#9 - The contest of the Profs (Part 2)

Ancient Cave Quests:
#1 - Reshiram
#2 - Necrozma
#3 - Zekrom
#4 - Raylóng
#5 - Unown

Harvest Sprites

Other Quests:
#1 - Daycare - A popular resort region
#2 - Paldea Research
#3 - Hoopa


BBCode for me:
Show hidden content
[size=10][b][/b] (//2024):[/size]

[quote=[img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/sitewide/navigation/icons/lab.png[/img] Professor Rowan][i]""[/i][/quote]

# - [url=][/url]

[quote=[img]https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/sitewide/navigation/icons/ancientcave.png[/img] Ancient Cave][i][/i][/quote]
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Wed, 18/09/2024 05:05 (5 Months ago)
Berry Juice (18/09/2024):

Quote from Professor Rowan
"Urgh, I'm thirsty! Binks, help me!
Can you get me 3x Razz Shake? I really need a cool drink right now.

Please make me 3x Razz Shake with your Cooking Pot and then come back to my Lab!"

Quote from Professor Rowan"You don't seem to have enough Razz Shake in your Item Bag. Please come back to my Lab when you got enough."

[Give Drink]

Quote from Professor Rowan"Thank you very much!
*sip* *sip* aaaah.... much better!

You really have great cooking skills, Binks. How about this: In exchange for your cool drinks, I will tell you the recipe for a drink that I created, alright? The recipe is for a very delicious Berry Juice.

Berry Juice (Sweet):
1x Honey
3x Pecha Berry
3x Watmel Berry
3x Wacan Berry
3x Mago Berry"
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Tue, 24/09/2024 13:10 (5 Months ago)
A popular resort region (24/09/2024):

Unlocked by visiting the Daycare in Sunny or Very Sunny weather (minimum Trainerlevel 20)

Quote from Daycare Owner
"Binks, good to see you! How's business going? You should really take a break sometimes - maybe go on vacation for a few days?
My personal favorite is the Alola-region! It's very far away, but it's a super relaxing place whenever you need a break. I used to go there very often when I was younger, but - you know - being the owner of a Daycare is a 24/7 job!

Anyway, I have a friend in Alola and they sent me a few Alolan Pokémon Eggs. ... Problem is that I have no idea how to hatch them! Why do you think I'm releasing untaken eggs to the wild?
Do you mind helping me? You can obviously keep the hatched Pokémon! (Unless they are super rare legendaries...)

Don't worry, they won't break your Shiny Chain!"

[Sorry, I'm busy.] [Sure, I'll help!]

Quote from Daycare Owner"Great, take good care of it!
And come back to me when you've hatched it. I'm curious to see what rare Pokémon my friend from Alola sent me!"

<You received an Alolan Pokémon Egg and placed it in your party.>

Quote from Daycare Owner"Please come back when you've hatched the egg that I gave you! I'm curious to see what hatches."

< One of your eggs hatched into a Rattata!>

Quote from Daycare Owner"You've hatched the egg, awesome! Let me see...
Oh, it was just a regular Rattata. Now that's disappointing. ... Let's see if the other eggs from my friend are somewhat more exciting! Will you help me?"

[Claim next egg]

Quote from Daycare Owner"Great, take good care of it!
And come back to me when you've hatched it. I'm curious to see what rare Pokémon my friend from Alola sent me!"

<You received an Alolan Pokémon Egg and placed it in your party.>

Quote from Daycare Owner"Please come back when you've hatched the egg that I gave you! I'm curious to see what hatches."

< One of your eggs hatched into a Geodude!>

Quote from Daycare Owner"You've hatched the egg, awesome! Let me see...
Oh, it was just a regular Geodude. Now that's disappointing. ... Let's see if the other eggs from my friend are somewhat more exciting! Will you help me?"

[Claim next egg]

Quote from Daycare Owner"Great, take good care of it!
And come back to me when you've hatched it. I'm curious to see what rare Pokémon my friend from Alola sent me!"

<You received an Alolan Pokémon Egg and placed it in your party.>

Quote from Daycare Owner"Please come back when you've hatched the egg that I gave you! I'm curious to see what hatches."

< One of your eggs hatched into a Diglett!>

Quote from Daycare Owner"You've hatched the egg, awesome! Let me see...
Oh, it was just a regular Diglett. Now that's disappointing. ... Let's see if the other eggs from my friend are somewhat more exciting! Will you help me?"

[Claim next egg]

Quote from Daycare Owner"Great, take good care of it!
And come back to me when you've hatched it. I'm curious to see what rare Pokémon my friend from Alola sent me!"

<You received an Alolan Pokémon Egg and placed it in your party.>

Quote from Daycare Owner"Please come back when you've hatched the egg that I gave you! I'm curious to see what hatches."

< One of your eggs hatched into a Vulpix (Alolan)!>

Quote from Daycare Owner
"You've hatched the egg, awesome! Let me see...
Wow, that looks like a Vulpix - but it is cold as ice! Amazing! I've never seen such a Pokémon before.

My friend from Alola told me that there are many Pokémon in that region which resemble Pokémon species' that we already know - but they have different types and slightly different body shapes and colors! This Vulpix must be one of them. That's amazing! Professor Rowan is going to be soooo jealous of my discovery!

You should really explore the Alola-Region when you have time - or at least send some of your Pokémon there for a little vacation!"

[Sounds great!]

Quote from Daycare Owner"Here, let me give you this map. It will lead your Pokémon to the Alola-Region."

<New Rumble Area "Alola" unlocked.>

You'll also be able to buy the Egg Radar Chip (Alolan), to find Alolan eggs in the Tall Grass, from the Item Shop Misc. section for 25,000 PD, after completing the quest.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Tue, 24/09/2024 15:13 (5 Months ago)
Reshiram (24/9/2024):

Quote from Ancient Cave


[Follow the light]

Quote from Ancient Cave
You need the item Light Stone for this quest!

This rare item can be found in Mystery Boxes.

Quote from Ancient Cave

Which path will you choose?

[Truth] [Ideals]

<Your Light Stone disappeared.>

Quote from Ancient Cave

But look - there's a hurt Sigilyph!

It looks like its wing is injured. Will you take care of it?

[Yes] [No]

<Take good care of it!>

Quote from Ancient Cave

The Sigilyph is very weak.
It will take some time until it can fly again.

Raise it to level 100

Quote from Ancient Cave

The Sigilyph is able to fly again!
You are a hero!

Let's bring it back to where you found it.

[Bring it back]

Quote from Ancient Cave

Look, your Light Stone is back! And it's glowing!!

[Go closer]

<Some strange force is keeping you away from the Light Stone...
Maybe your Party is too full!>

Quote from Ancient Cave
Your Sigilyph and the Light Stone disappeared.

But look - there's a legendary Pokémon Egg!
Take good care of it.

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Wed, 25/09/2024 23:50 (5 Months ago)
The contest of the Profs (25/09/2024):

Quote from Professor Rowan
Listen, I am currently stuck in a difficult situation and I need your help. There is this professor from Ruby Valley, he is called Prof. Oak. We've been rivals for many years now and we duel again and again - to find out who is the best professor.
This time we made a contest where we hatched two Pichu eggs. The goal is to get it to a higher level than the other Professor until this Sunday.
But, well... I'm currently very busy; there are so many new trainers in Emera Town and all of them demand their Starter Pokémon.

Will you take care of Pichu and train it for me? I'll obviously give you a great reward if you help me to win this contest!"

[I'll help you!] [Nah, sorry...]

Quote from Professor Rowan"Thanks a lot!
I'm counting on you, Binks! Please take good care of it.

And don't worry about giving me the Pokémon back. I'll visit you this Sunday at 8 AM and reclaim my Pokémon."

Quote from Professor Rowan
"Hey, Binks!

How is my Pichu doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 6, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Pichu is on Level 48, so you have to work even harder! But I'm sure you can do it.

Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then.
Please keep it in your Party or in one of your Storage Boxes in the meantime."

Quote from Professor Rowan
"Hey, Binks!

How is my Pichu doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 50, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Pichu is on Level 48, so it is rather close. Keep working!

Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then.
Please keep it in your Party or in one of your Storage Boxes in the meantime."

Quote from Professor Rowan
"Hey, Binks!

How is my Pichu doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 65, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Pichu is on Level 48, so you're currently in the lead!

Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then.
Please keep it in your Party or in one of your Storage Boxes in the meantime."

Quote from Professor Rowan"Hey Binks! Guess what?
I won in the contest against Professor Oak! Yeah, I totally proved to that old dude, that I am the best prof in this region! ... No, in the entire world!
*cough* Thanks to you, obviously. Thanks a lot! I knew I could trust you.

Now here is your prize:"

< 5 Sitrus Berries obtained!>

[Thanks, Sir!] [Are you kidding me?]

Quote from Professor Rowan"I'm glad you like your prize! I'm sure the berries will help you on your journey.

Oh, before I forget! There is something else I wanted to give you. I'm currently working on a secret project - very *secret*. I am trying to develop a new Poké Ball - the *perfect* Poké Ball.
I created this prototype; doesn't it look amazing? ... Well, unfortunately you cannot catch Pokémon with that one. I totally failed at the software.
However, I think you deserve this unique gift from me! It may have no use - and it may be worth no money - but I hope you still appreciate the meaning behind it."

< Golden Poké Ball obtained! (yay)>
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Thu, 26/09/2024 13:35 (5 Months ago)
Necrozma (26/09/2024):

Quote from Ancient Cave


[Keshi the Hipster]

Quote from Ancient Cave
Got any lit 'nyls?

Quote from Keshi"Woah, who are you? You jumpscared me! ... Also, brah, you’re not exactly clickbait in this outfit!

Anyway, name's Keshi. Lit meeting another human in here.

What? You're wondering what I do in here? Well, I-- hol' up! Is that an Old Vinyl I see?

Swag! Let's try it out, I have a player with me!"

[Give Keshi the Old Vinyl]

Quote from Ancient Cave
You give Keshi the Old Vinyl.

After a short while, an old harmonic melody starts playing from their player.

But suddenly...

Quote from Keshi"Jeez Louise! What was that loud shrieking noise? What just happened?! You heard this?"

Quote from Ancient Cave
You nod. The loud noise you heard was ear-deafening.

Quote from Keshi"I-I- uh... All I saw was a white bright flash, followed by... just... darkness? Did you also see this... creature?
... It kind of looked like a Digi—... no! That's impossible."

Quote from Ancient Cave
Keshi and you look to the ground.

Quote from Keshi"Oh man!! What an epic fail! I dropped your vinyl and it got shattered into pieces."

<You pick up 1x Old Vinyl Piece.>

Quote from Keshi"But where's the rest? I'm sure we can fix it if we find the remaining parts!"

[Let's search for the pieces]

Quote from Ancient Cave
You and Keshi search for a while, but...

Quote from Keshi"Aw, man! Unbelievable. The pieces are nowhere to be found. Do you think it's possible this.... creature ... took them?"

Quote from Ancient Cave
You shrug. There's sometimes Very Sunny weather in Emera Town at night, so clearly nothing really surprises you anymore.

Quote from Keshi"Hm, perhaps we should expand our search area. I have a strong feeling that we need to find these pieces and bring them back together.
How about you check these areas first?"

Quote from Ancient Cave
☐ Royal Tunnel ☐ Berry Garden ☐ Emera Beach

Quote from Emera Beach

Quote from Leah the Mermaid"Binks? ... Binks? Is that you?

It's so dark, I can't even see my own fin! Binks, we need to find a Fish Pokémon that glows!"

Quote from Emera Beach
"Chinchou caught!"

"You caught a glowing Pokémon!"

<You caught a glowing Pokémon, so the light is back!
... Oh, and there's a piece of the old vinyl in the sand!>

Lanturn, Inkay, Finneon, Lumineon, Gloweon, and Shiny Pokémon also work

Quote from BerrygardenA mysterious seed

Quote from Lorelei"Oh, hello Binks...
You're wondering why I'm concerned?

Something is happening to my plants, of course I'm concerned! It all started when this weird seed appeared, I wonder what grows from it. Can you help me figure it out?
Hopefully, I'll get a decent picture of which plant it is if I have around 100 berries to study."

Quote from BerrygardenYou received 1x Dark Seed.

Quote from Lorelei"Hello Binks!
Have you grown some berries from the mysterious seed I gave you? Remember that I need about 100 berries of that kind so I can study them properly."

Quote from Lorelei"Great, you harvested enough of these dark berries so I can study them!

Let me take them all, including any dark seeds and plants you may have left. I have no clue yet if those berries are healthy or extremely dangerous. I wouldn't want you to fall ill by accident.

Oh, and by the way! One of these berries had a piece of an old vinyl stuck to it. This probably belongs to you."

Quote from Berrygarden1x Old Vinyl Piece obtained.

Quote from Royal Tunnel
<1x Old Vinyl Piece found!>

Just choose any path and answer questions correctly, and it'll pop up randomly, like gems.

Quote from Ancient Cave

Quote from Keshi"Great, you already found some pieces! But it seems like there are still some missing...
Maybe some Pokémon found them and are carrying them around now? ... Or you could ask this Professor dude for advice."

Quote from Ancient Cave
☐ Interact with Pokémon ☐ Catch Shadow Pokémon
☐ Ask Prof. Rowan

Quote from Professor Rowan at the Lab

"Hi there, Binks! What can I do for you on this lovely day?
You wonder why I'm in such a good mood despite the darkness outside? Well that's explained easily: I've made a new groundbreaking discovery! It could be a part of an antique Fossil Pokémon or maybe an item used for evolving Pokémon. I still have to do some more research on it, but I am pretty sure my colleagues will envy me at the next Professor convention, hehe!

What did you say? My new finding is a part of an Old Vinyl and you need it to repair the Vinyl, so you can soothe a dark creature? Don't be ridiculous! Now go, I have many things to do!"

[Leave the Lab] [Stay and try to convince Rowan]

Quote from Professor Rowan"Okay, I will make a deal!
I'll leave my findings to you if you answer 3 questions correctly. If not, you leave me alone and don't say another word about this Vinyl nonsense."


Quote from Professor Rowan"Question 1: How many Dragon Gems do you have to trade with the Gem Collector to receive a Jade Orb?"

[15] [5] [10]

Quote from Professor Rowan"Question 2: Which consumables do you need to feed your Miltank at Moomoo Ranch?"

[Galette] [Berries] [Tonic]

Quote from Professor Rowan"Question 3: Which Pokémon can evolve by exploring a certain rumble area?"

[Pikachu] [Eevee] [Exeggcute]

Quote from Professor Rowan"Okay, a deal is a deal! Here it is!
But if I find out that you want to claim my discovery as your own, you will be sorry."

Other questions:
Show hidden content
Quote from Professor Rowan"How many Combee can you store at the Honeycombs in total?"

[4] [5] [3]

Quote from Professor Rowan"You put 1 Berry Level 15-19 from your Berry Bag into your Item Bag. How many Berries in your Item Bag do you receive?"

[3] [6] [4]

Quote from Union Room - Clicklist"You found an Old Vinyl Piece!"

It'll pop up randomly while interacting.

Quote from Shadow Radar"A Shadow Golbat appeared!"

"The Shadow Golbat has been caught successfully!"

"The Pokémon was holding an Old Vinyl Piece!"

Quote from Keshi"Amazeballs! You found all the pieces. So let's put them back together and try to play the music once again..."

Quote from Ancient Cave

Quote from Ancient Cave
Holding the pieces this way, then that way, you manage to have them all in the correct spot. Playing it again, however, causes an even more deafening sound than the first time.

The dark creature, Necrozma, faces you.

[Battle Necrozma]

Use a Dark type, since they're immune to Necrozma.

Quote from Ancient Cave
You won the battle!

Necrozma left an egg. Do you want to take it?

Note that, since this egg is obtained from the ancient cave, it counts for your PokéRadar!

[Claim egg]

<You defeated Necrozma!

Necrozma left an egg, which you took and placed into your party.>

[Back to Ancient Cave]

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Sun, 29/09/2024 13:32 (5 Months ago)
Zekrom (29/09/2024):

Quote from Ancient Cave


[Enter the darkness]

Quote from Ancient Cave
You need the item Dark Stone for this quest!

This rare item can be found in Mystery Boxes.

Quote from Ancient Cave

Which path will you choose?

[Truth] [Ideals]

<Your Dark Stone disappeared.>

Quote from Ancient Cave

But look - there's a hurt Druddigon!

It looks like its wing is injured. Will you take care of it?

[Yes] [No]

<Take good care of it!>

Quote from Ancient Cave

The Druddigon is very weak.
It will take some time until it can fly again.

Raise it to level 100

Quote from Ancient Cave

The Druddigon is able to fly again!
You are a hero!

Let's bring it back to where you found it.

[Bring it back]

Quote from Ancient Cave

Look, your Dark Stone is back! And it's glowing!!

[Go closer]

<Some strange force is keeping you away from the Dark Stone...
Maybe your Party is too full!>

Quote from Ancient Cave
Your Druddigon and the Dark Stone disappeared.

But look - there's a legendary Pokémon Egg!
Take good care of it.

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Tue, 01/10/2024 03:01 (5 Months ago)
Paldea Research:

Quote from Paldea Research
Where past meets the future

Choose your fate
Your choice will determine the outcome of this quest and future opportunities for you on PokéHeroes. After completing the quest and having reached Trainerlevel 50, you will be able to explore the other option as well.

Quote from Professor Sada

"Greetings, trainer! My name is Professor Sada and I come from the faraway Paldea region, and from the even farther away past.
... What? You don't believe me?
Well... I wish I could give you proof, but there's certain laws us time-travellers need to adhere to.

You wonder why I chose to come to Emera Town then out of all places? Well, this town always makes me nostalgic... I am the great-great-grandmother of one of your closest allies here in Emera Town. Funnily, though, I am much younger than him right now. And he never met me in my own timeline. ... I am talking too much!
Anyway, I am also here because there is important research that needs to be done. Do you mind helping me? I will reward you with a rare Pokémon that can only be found in the Paldea region!

I need research data of Pokémon that are obtained from Professor Rowan's Lab. There is just something... paradoxical... about them."

Quote from Paldea ResearchPath of Nostalgia

Hatch 0 / 20 Easy (Rarity) Eggs from Prof. Rowan's Lab.

40 Research Points

Hatch 0 / 12 Dragon-type Eggs from Prof. Rowan's Lab.

96 Research Points

Evolve 0 / 6 fighting-type Pokémon originally adopted from Prof. Rowan's Lab via Level-Up.

36 Research Points

500 / 1000 Research Points

Possible tasks:
Show hidden content
Hatch X Eggs from Prof. Rowan's Lab - X RP

Hatch X Easy/Medium/Hard/Rare (Rarity) Eggs from Prof. Rowan's Lab - 2X/4X/6X/10X RP

Hatch X Fighting/Dragon-type Eggs from Prof. Rowan's Lab - 8X RP

Hatch 1 Cyclizar Egg from Prof. Rowan's Lab - 100 RP

Evolve X Pokémon originally adopted from Prof. Rowan's Lab via Level-Up - 4X RP

Evolve X Pokémon of the Hard/Rare-Rarity originally adopted from Prof. Rowan's Lab via Level-Up - 6X/8X RP

Evolve X Fighting/Dragon-type Pokémon originally adopted from Prof. Rowan's Lab via Level-Up - 6X RP

Evolve X Pokémon originally from Prof. Rowan's Lab using an Evolutionary Item - 10X RP

<Great! Thanks to you, I was able to collect enough Research Data.
Very interesting... Very interesting!

Here is your reward. Take good care of it!>

[ Claim Reward ]

<Please come back when you have an empty spot in your party!>

<I'm sure we will meet again eventually, Binks!>

<You need to be at least Trainerlevel 50 in order to explore the next part of this quest.>

<Prof. Sada has a new research task for you (Timed Event)! Would you like to start it?>

[ Start Research ]

Quote from Professor Sada"Greetings, it is good to see you again! I have a new research task for you. I need you to collect more data on Pokémon from Professor Rowan's Lab. The last samples you showed me were very interesting, yet not conclusive to my research. I need more data to be sure that they... they...
Huh? ... Oh, I was just rambling again. I'm sorry. Anyway, I hope I can once again count on your help. I will reward you with a rare Pokémon that can only be found in the Paldea region, and only in my timeline! We call it Brute Bonnet."

Quote from Paldea ResearchResearch Event

Hatch 0 / 1 Foongus Eggs from Prof. Rowan's Lab.

100 Research Points

Hatch 0 / 12 Dark-type Eggs from Prof. Rowan's Lab.

96 Research Points

Hatch 0 / 8 Grass-type Eggs from Prof. Rowan's Lab.

64 Research Points

100 / 200 Research Points

Possible tasks:
Show hidden content
Hatch X Eggs from Prof. Rowan's Lab - X RP

Hatch X Easy/Medium/Hard/Rare (Rarity) Eggs from Prof. Rowan's Lab - 2X/4X/6X/10X RP

Hatch X Grass/Dark-type Eggs from Prof. Rowan's Lab - 8X RP

Hatch 1 Foongus Egg from Prof. Rowan's Lab - 100 RP

Evolve X Pokémon originally adopted from Prof. Rowan's Lab via Level-Up - 4X RP

Evolve X Pokémon of the Hard/Rare-Rarity originally adopted from Prof. Rowan's Lab via Level-Up - 6X/8X RP

Evolve X Grass/Dark-type Pokémon originally adopted from Prof. Rowan's Lab via Level-Up - 6X RP

Evolve X Pokémon originally from Prof. Rowan's Lab using an Evolutionary Item - 10X RP

<Great! Thanks to you, I was able to collect enough Research Data.
Very interesting... Very interesting!

Here is your reward. Take good care of it!>

[ Claim Reward ]

<Please come back when you have an empty spot in your party!>

<I'm sure we will meet again eventually, Binks!>

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Thu, 03/10/2024 23:29 (4 Months ago)
Berry Juice (04/10/2024):

Quote from Professor Rowan
"Urgh, I'm thirsty! Binks, help me!
Can you get me 3x Berry Juice (Sweet)? I really need a cool drink right now.

Please make me 3x Berry Juice (Sweet) with your Cooking Pot and then come back to my Lab!"

Quote from Professor Rowan"You don't seem to have enough Berry Juice in your Item Bag. Please come back to my Lab when you got enough."

[Give Drink]

Quote from Professor Rowan"Thank you very much!
*sip* *sip* aaaah.... much better!

You really have great cooking skills, Binks. How about this: In exchange for your cool drinks, I will tell you the recipe for a drink that I created, alright? The recipe is for a very delicious Berry Juice.

Berry Juice (Spicy):
1x Honey
3x Cheri Berry
3x Spelon Berry
3x Tamato Berry
3x Chople Berry"
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 00:47 (4 Months ago)
Berry Juice (07/10/2024):

Quote from Professor Rowan
"Urgh, I'm thirsty! Binks, help me!
Can you get me 3x Berry Juice (Spicy)? I really need a cool drink right now.

Please make me 3x Berry Juice (Spicy) with your Cooking Pot and then come back to my Lab!"

Quote from Professor Rowan"You don't seem to have enough Berry Juice in your Item Bag. Please come back to my Lab when you got enough."

[Give Drink]

Quote from Professor Rowan"Thank you very much!
*sip* *sip* aaaah.... much better!

You really have great cooking skills, Binks. How about this: In exchange for your cool drinks, I will tell you the recipe for a drink that I created, alright? The recipe is for a very delicious Berry Juice.

Berry Juice (Dry):
1x Honey
3x Cornn Berry
3x Passho Berry
3x Kebia Berry
3x Wiki Berry"
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Wed, 09/10/2024 01:02 (4 Months ago)
A delivery from the Gem Collector (9/10/2024):

Quote from Professor Rowan"Hey Binks!
Thanks for helping me with the contest against Professor Oak! He became really depressed after I showed him my high levelled Pokémon. I have to admit that the way I won this contest wasn't exactly fair, but... Who bothers, right? You're one of my students, so you've got all of your skills from me! Which means - theoretically - I won the contest without your help.

*cough* However, I need to ask you for another favour. I recently ordered a bunch of Wynaut from the Gem Collector. Unfortunately, he got me eggs instead of Pokémon and he doesn't want to hatch them for me. So will you help me and hatch them? I'll obviously give you a very nice reward!
Oh, and don't worry about breaking your chain if you're currently on a shiny hunt! I'll sprinkle some Anti-Radar powder over them which makes your PokéRadar not record them.

Will you help me?"

[I'll help you!] [Nah, sorry...] [Such powder exists?!]

Quote from Professor Rowan"Thanks a lot!
I'm counting on you, Binks! Come back to my lab as soon as you want to pick up the first eggs. In total you have to hatch 18 eggs within the next 7 days. No pressure, though."

Quote from Professor Rowan
"Hey, Binks!

You still have to hatch 18 eggs for me until Tuesday, 11PM. Do you need anything?"

[Claim Egg] [Deliver Pokémon]

<Your Party is full!>

<Thanks, take good care of it and deliver the hatched Pokémon to me as soon as possible!>

[Claim Egg] [Deliver Pokémon]

<Please hatch the egg first.>

<Eeh, that's not the Pokémon I was looking for.>

<Thank you for hatching it!>

Quote from Professor Rowan"Hey Binks!
Thanks for your help! I received all the hatched Pokémon from you and I'm now able to perform my experiment.
... What? You wonder what it's about? ... Well *cough* that is secret, sorry. I can't tell you yet.
But anyway! Here's your reward for helping me:"

< 5x Fairy Gems obtained!>

[Wow, cool!] [You've got some nerves, old man!]

Quote from Professor Rowan"Well, I expected this reaction. The Fairy-type is very interesting; and I think these gems look just marvellous!

Oh, wait, one more thing! I continued working on this *secret* Poké Ball project, do you remember?
Well, I've finished another prototype. The software appears to be rather unstable and the hardware doesn't accept certain inputs and...
Oh, well, let's just be honest: It still doesn't work properly and the new prototype is trash. But it shines so golden!"

< Golden Poké Ball obtained! (yay?)>
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Mon, 14/10/2024 05:17 (4 Months ago)
Rowan's invention (14/10/2024):

Quote from Professor Rowan"Hey, Binks! How is it going?
Recently I ordered important components for a machine that I'm currently trying to build. The delivery was supposed to come via Delibird express from the Sinnoh-Region, but apparently the parcel went missing right before the Delibird arrived in Emera Town. It was caught in a heavy storm and lost all parts over the Rumble Areas.
Well, I could order the components again, but... they're very expensive!
Could you maybe help me to find them? Just tell your Pokémon to look out for Machine Parts out on the rumble areas. I'd highly appreciate your effort!"

Rumble at the 6 basic areas (Silent Forest, Windy Prairie, Rocky Cave, Fiery Furnace, Bright Beach, and Eternal Tower). There's 1 Machine Part in each. I'd recommend sending each Rumbler to a different area, then once you're only missing a few Machine Parts, focus only on the remaining areas, with more Rumblers at low-level areas.

Quote from Professor Rowan"Oh, great, you already found 1 Machine Part(s)! But there are still a few missing..."

Quote from Professor Rowan"Oh, great, you already found 5 Machine Part(s)! But there are still a few missing...
Have you already looked near the Rocky Cave? I feel like one got lost there..."

Rowan will tell you where the last part is. Not sure if it also happens when you have 4 parts, since I got 2 from one batch, and jumped from 3 to 5 parts.

Quote from Professor Rowan"Hey Binks!
Have you found all machine parts?"

[I think so, yes!]

Quote from Professor Rowan"Great, thanks a lot! Now I can finally continue building my *super secret* machine.
Don't worry, you'll be the first one to see it when it's finished! But for now I will keep it as a secret.

Oh and by the way, I recently found this fossil near the Ancient Caves. It looks like the footprint of a prehistoric Pokémon... maybe you can use it!"

<1x Jaw Fossil received!>

Quote from Professor Rowan"Oh, and obviously..."

<1x Golden Poké Ball obtained! (Obviously.)>
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Sat, 19/10/2024 12:45 (4 Months ago)

Quote from Ancient Cave

(Progress: 28.57%)

[Raylong Hunt]

Quote from Ancient Cave
Collect all 7 Jade Orbs

Raylóng Hunt
The legendary Pokémon, Raylóng, is part of a huge myth that is certainly popular in Emera Town. It is said, that only trainers who collect all 7 Jade Orbs, will be honored by the presence of the ancient green dragon.
The Jade Orbs are hidden carefully in the whole town - and you can only find them after clearing very difficult quests.

Your tasks

<Your first task is to prove your endurance.
Make 10,000/10,000 interactions.>

<A good trainer needs strategic judgement for tricky situations.
Make a correct guess at the "Higher or Lower" game 15-times in a row.>

<Oh, someone was faster than you.
But maybe he'll exchange his treasure for some of yours.>

<Everyone needs some luck.
One Jade Orb is carefully hidden in a Treasure Box (Game Center).>

Quote from Gem CollectorThe legendary Dragon Pokémon
"Hey, Binks! I heard you were looking for Jade Orbs?
A while ago, I found one of these precious green orbs, because I was hunting for the legendary Pokémon myself. But... Well, I kinda doubt that I'll ever collect all 7 Jade Orbs. So I decided to help you instead!

I'll give you my Jade Orb for 10x Flying Gems and 5x Dragon Gems. Deal?"

<You don't have enough gems for this deal!>

[Exchange Gems]

<Pleasure making business with you!
Good luck searching for the Dragon Pokémon.>


You found 1x Jade Orb https://staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/jade-orb.png in this treasure box!
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Sat, 19/10/2024 16:03 (4 Months ago)

Quote from Ancient Cave


[28 Mysterious Letters]

Quote from Ancient Cave

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

✓ EggDex ✓ PokéDex

Quote from Ancient Cave
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Tue, 22/10/2024 06:27 (4 Months ago)

<You found the legendary Pokémon Hoopa inside the treasure box!
It fled instantly, I wonder where it went?
Maybe Professor Rowan knows more about this naughty little Pokémon.>

The Mischief Pokémon

Arrgh, I can't believe it!! Some idiot freed Hoopa, the legendary Mischief Pokémon! I locked it inside of a treasure box so it would never play pranks on anyone anymore - but now it's back on the streets of Emera Town!

Binks! You need to help me catch it. The only way to get control over it is to find all five Prison Rings. They are small golden rings that are spread all around the town when Hoopa is outside of its box. You have to find them all, please!

[I give up]
You have found 0/5 Prison Rings so far.

You give up already? Urgh, I always have to do everything by myself...
Alright then. Thanks anyway! Thanks for nothing.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Wed, 23/10/2024 07:06 (4 Months ago)
Berry Juice (23/10/2024):

Quote from Professor Rowan
"Urgh, I'm thirsty! Binks, help me!
Can you get me 3x Berry Juice (Dry)? I really need a cool drink right now.

Please make me 3x Berry Juice (Dry) with your Cooking Pot and then come back to my Lab!"

Quote from Professor Rowan"You don't seem to have enough Berry Juice in your Item Bag. Please come back to my Lab when you got enough."

[Give Drink]

Quote from Professor Rowan"Thank you very much!
*sip* *sip* aaaah.... much better!

You really have great cooking skills, Binks. How about this: In exchange for your cool drinks, I will tell you the recipe for a drink that I created, alright? The recipe is for a very delicious Berry Juice.

Berry Juice (Bitter):
1x Honey
3x Aguav Berry
3x Durin Berry
3x Rabuta Berry
3x Rawst Berry"
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Thu, 24/10/2024 04:34 (4 Months ago)
Berry Juice (24/10/2024):

Quote from Professor Rowan
"Urgh, I'm thirsty! Binks, help me!
Can you get me 3x Berry Juice (Bitter)? I really need a cool drink right now.

Please make me 3x Berry Juice (Bitter) with your Cooking Pot and then come back to my Lab!"

Quote from Professor Rowan"You don't seem to have enough Berry Juice in your Item Bag. Please come back to my Lab when you got enough."

[Give Drink]

Quote from Professor Rowan"Thank you very much!
*sip* *sip* aaaah.... much better!

You really have great cooking skills, Binks. How about this: In exchange for your cool drinks, I will tell you the recipe for a drink that I created, alright? The recipe is for a very delicious Berry Juice.

Berry Juice (Sour):
1x Honey
3x Aspear Berry
3x Belue Berry
3x Iapapa Berry
3x Colbur Berry"
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Mon, 04/11/2024 03:45 (3 Months ago)
The contest of the Profs (Part 2) (04/11/2024):

Quote from Professor Rowan"Hey Binks!

Listen, this is urgent!
Pokémon-Professor Oak from Ruby Valley challenged me for another duel! I have to level this Magikarp as fast as possible, so it reaches a higher Level than Prof. Oak's Pokémon until this Sunday.
He sounded pretty serious and it really seems like he wants to win this time (I even feel like he's going to cheat with Rare Candies!). ... But I can't lose! What should I do?"

[I'll help you!] [Good luck, dude.]

Quote from Professor Rowan"Thanks a lot!
I'm counting on you, Binks! Please take good care of it.

And don't worry about giving me the Pokémon back. I'll visit you this Sunday at 8 AM and reclaim my Pokémon."

Quote from Professor Rowan
"Hey, Binks!

How is my Magikarp doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 5, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Magikarp is on Level 13, so you have to work even harder! But I'm sure you can do it.

Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then.
Please keep it in your Party or in one of your Storage Boxes in the meantime."

Quote from Professor Rowan
"Hey, Binks!

How is my Magikarp doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 14, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Magikarp is on Level 13, so it is rather close. Keep working!

Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then.
Please keep it in your Party or in one of your Storage Boxes in the meantime."

Quote from Professor Rowan
"Hey, Binks!

How is my Magikarp doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 54, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Magikarp is on Level 13, so you're currently in the lead!

Remember that I'll reclaim my Pokémon this Sunday at 8AM. Its level has to be higher than Prof. Oak's Pokémon by then.
Please keep it in your Party or in one of your Storage Boxes in the meantime."

Oh, hello Binks... *sigh*
Guess what? I lost in the contest against Professor Oak because of you. ... Well, anyways. It's not that bad. I'm just really disappointed.

Is there anything you wanted to tell me or why are you visiting my lab?

[I'm very sorry!] [Give me another chance!

Don't worry, it's okay. I've lost in contests with him before - I'm used to the feeling of a loss.
Thanks for helping me, though, I'm sure you did your best. Maybe I'll ask you for another favor in the future, when I'm too busy for a contest and when no other trainer is available.