Forum Thread
Pokemon Beauty Competition UPDATED
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → Pokemon Beauty Competition UPDATED
You walk up to a large building, lights shining and blinking every few seconds of different colors. A sign sits large above the entrance door, it reading 'Pokemon Beauty Competition'. Walking through the automatic glass door, you smile and gasp at how pretty the interior looks. People from all over walk around you, their prized, beautiful Pokemon following at their sides. Seeing a desk with an attendant at it, you walk up to the girl, she soon greeting you."Hello! Welcome to the Pokemon Beauty Competition! Please check out the rules before signing up." She pointed to a small book that sit on the counter next to you.

*All PokeHeroes Rules Apply
*Entry Fee Is 1,000 PD. All money goes to the winning pot for the top 3 winners to get~
*There Must Be A Minimum Of 5 Participants Per Theme
*One (1) Entry Per Participant Only Per Theme
*Use The Form To Join The Competition
*Be Nice To Each & Every Participant; Warnings/Bans Will Be Given Out If There Is Disrespect/Rudeness
*You MUST Subscribe To The Thread, Any Winners Who Do Not Subscribe & Do Not Claim Their Prize Within 48 Hours, Will Lose Their Prize
*This Is A Spriting Competition, This Means You Must Enter Your Own Work You Created
*No Art Theft, Any Theft Will Have You Banned & Reported
*Have Fun & Enjoy The Competition
*Entry Fee Is 1,000 PD. All money goes to the winning pot for the top 3 winners to get~
*There Must Be A Minimum Of 5 Participants Per Theme
*One (1) Entry Per Participant Only Per Theme
*Use The Form To Join The Competition
*Be Nice To Each & Every Participant; Warnings/Bans Will Be Given Out If There Is Disrespect/Rudeness
*You MUST Subscribe To The Thread, Any Winners Who Do Not Subscribe & Do Not Claim Their Prize Within 48 Hours, Will Lose Their Prize
*This Is A Spriting Competition, This Means You Must Enter Your Own Work You Created
*No Art Theft, Any Theft Will Have You Banned & Reported
*Have Fun & Enjoy The Competition
Looking back at the girl, she hands you a form to fill out. "Now just fill that out and get ready to dress your Pokemon up!" she squeals and smiles at you, pointing to a dressing room where you can get your Pokemon ready.

Pokemon Entering:
Pokemon Name:
The Pokemon:
Example Form
Username: NovaSplitz
Pokemon Entering: Eevee, Shiny Flygon, Furret
Pokemon Name: The Judges
The Pokemon:

Pokemon Entering:
Pokemon Name:
The Pokemon:
Example Form
Username: NovaSplitz
Pokemon Entering: Eevee, Shiny Flygon, Furret
Pokemon Name: The Judges
The Pokemon:

"While you're waiting for the other participants, why don't you see who the Judges will be!" The attendant smiled, and pointed to a rather large picture frame on the other side of the room.

NovaSplitz - A fun and goofy
Eevee who always looks her best with her flower tucked in her
Autobot Phoenix - A Shiny Flygon who enjoys a casual look to hang out with her friends with.
ThatPerson123 - A Fancy Furret who enjoys dressing up nicely and finding only the prettiest of accessories.
DarkeLeafDragon - A Lucario who tries to be the best ninja around. He trains to be the top Pokemon.
Omosky - A Gym Leader who loves the beauty in everything.
Autobot Phoenix - A Shiny Flygon who enjoys a casual look to hang out with her friends with.
ThatPerson123 - A Fancy Furret who enjoys dressing up nicely and finding only the prettiest of accessories.
DarkeLeafDragon - A Lucario who tries to be the best ninja around. He trains to be the top Pokemon.
Omosky - A Gym Leader who loves the beauty in everything.
"Oh yeah! If you need help finding accessories, or need a Pokemon to use in the competition, feel free to check out what we have over in that room!" The attendant walked over to you, then pointed at a door that said "Supplies".

I'm putting this section here for
those who need resources to find Accessories or Sprites. These are
the actual pictures I use to create my sprites. Just follow the
links and save the pictures to your computer then open it up under
whatever software you are going to use to make your Sprite. I
personally use Microsoft Paint. You could also use a Sprite
Generator such as DragonFly Cave.
Full Sheet Of All Pokemon Sprites
Accessories Sheet 1
Accessories Sheet 2
Credit To Sprites & Accessories Goes To GameFreak, Nintendo, & The Pokemon Company.
Full Sheet Of All Pokemon Sprites
Accessories Sheet 1
Accessories Sheet 2
Credit To Sprites & Accessories Goes To GameFreak, Nintendo, & The Pokemon Company.
Entry Fee Is 1,000 PD. All money goes to the winning pot for the top 3 winners to get~

1st Place: 500 PD + A
Beautiful Ribbon
2nd Place: 250 PD + A Pretty Ribbon
3rd Place: 50 PD + A Cute Ribbon
2nd Place: 250 PD + A Pretty Ribbon
3rd Place: 50 PD + A Cute Ribbon

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