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A Cybernetic World (One-on-one with Comfygazing)

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP A Cybernetic World (One-on-one with Comfygazing)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 05/07/2024 02:27 (2 Months ago)
"Mom and Dad seem to be much more bearing than usual..they have been saying incidents has been happening to people that are about my age, but sadly I still have to go to school with my younger brother that is only 2 years younger than me, but at last I must care and protect him as that's what big sister do, or the other way around depending who you talk to but that's what I always heard!"

hearing the familiar tune of her alarm going off as Lucina groggily opened her light blue eyes as she flipped herself over so she could swing her arm out and put her hand on the alarm so she could turn it off, tiredly getting out of bed as she placed her feet down on the ground and head towards her mirror in a room, shortly fixing her long hair to be in a side swept style once again as she found the look of it to be rather charming while having purple and white streaks in her blonde hair. Scampering to her closet to get dressed for the day as she decided to go a simple route as she didn't have energy to care much compared to treating her hair as the last thing she wanted was it to be a complete mess out in public, putting on a pure black tank top to match along with her favorite hoodie that has cat ear at the top of it followed up with dark blue jeans as she walked over to where she kept her shoes with her hands in their hoodie pockets, slipping on some white open-toed sandals as she didn't feel the effort to put on proper shoes.

calmly walking over to the room next to her as she yelled "PIERCE IT'S TIME TO GET UP FOR SCHOOL, AND NO WE ARE NOT SKIPPING THIS TIME!" towards the door as she soon heard movement coming from the room as she stood there waiting tapping her foot in front of the door, surely enough having a brown eye male with messy black spiky styled hair that was slightly more bulkier than her but was still as tall and skinny as they were, wearing a neon pink spike collar with the spikes being black and his hair having stripes in it of the same neon pink color as the collar was, also wearing golden loop earrings as Lucina shaked her head "have you ever tried not doing the emo look, not to mention you're going to definitely be made fun of wearing pink which is seen as a girl color?" she sighed at him as Pierce only tilt his head.

"but I like neon colors and neon pink is one of my favorites, and just because people think it's a girl thing doesn't mean I can't like it as a boy! and I like the emo style for no other reason that I like how it looks!" he replied towards them with some confusion and your voice as Lucina gave their apologies as the two went downstairs for breakfast, the two talking to their parents for a little bit before getting their backpacks and throwing it into the car so they could be drove to school together.

"The demon king that we serve is please who is the ruler of all the other demons that reside here with the new demons he has been getting for ones that have been chose to be one of us...yet he seems to be concerned, something about his son, something about his son not meaning eye to eye with him about a certain thing."

"That's the last of them for now!" a texas longhorn minotaur with there white coat and orangey brown splotches shouts out to an anthropomorphic crow with a battle ax in hand as she walked over, with this Crow leaning against the wall as they stretch out their large black wings while looking over at them with there beady eyes "Am I the only one that has noticed that Alistair has been staying here less and less? he used to stay here all the time but now he barely steps foot here anymore." they mumbled out as the minotaur replied, "I mean..yeah he has, but maybe that's something that kids just do when they get older?" towards them in an unsure tone.

"Trinity you are not wrong but something about this...feels different than other times!" they replied back in a much more louder and hearable tone now as Trinity respond back by flicking her ears, "Calix he's old enough to take care of himself, it's not that big of a deal, besides we should be heading back to our lord to see if there's anything he may be needing after giving this group their respective quarters!" "I suppose..." he replied as the two soon walk back towards the throne room again.

"I could care less if my mother and father doesn't happen to agree with me as the demon prince, this isn't right and we're going to stop it together my loyal Cerberus that I raised from a pup, it's funny how they got the puppy originally for themselves but load and behold the puppy picks me to be it person to rise it instead!"

sitting at a city bus stop as a boy with smooth spiked hair as one side was shorter and one side was longer than other to give that uneven look but they enjoy the style personally themselves, waiting while fiddling their fingers as they have recently enrolled into a new school and this was their first day as they continue sitting down with there blue haired that had a turquoise streak softly blowing in the wind, "don't you find it so weird that we used to only see this world through a screen, seeing these creatures before us as now we walk with them and they don't even know?" "yeah, yeah, of course, but now I can taste real-world dog treats! I haven't seen a single dog with three heads here yet, I know we have single head dogs back in our world but you would think they will at least be one three-head!" the messy hair of a brownish black color boy yelps out to them.

"I remind you you're not going to be getting dog treats when you're in your human form, and you got to control your other two heads so they don't slip out so much that people start to think you're weird!" "I'm well aware and I will try my best to not let one slip out and speak, but even if I happen to be the main middlehead doesn't mean I can stop these other two guys!" he replies while pulling out your bus pass to fiddle with, swaying there body back and forth with the wind to keep themselves entertain while the two were waiting for the bus.

"they're able to grow and build there world so easily, yet thankfully we can have that power also and use on our own world, finally being able to upgrade our world with their knowledge also...it may come at a large cost but we are finally able to live in an upgraded world compared to the one before."

already at the high school as they managed to get a role as a teacher with their partner being a aid in the class as this teacher wore a black kitsune mask with gold and red markings on it as well solid black hair that was kept in a ponytail with a single round bead keeping it all together, as their partner on other hand wore a white bengal tiger mask as well as having well kept shoulder-length black and white hair while wearing a long blue scarf with the two ends of it hanging down their back. "I think you know the drill, l we take the best one and that's the one we take back with us if we take any more than the whole room would become a panic!" the one in the black fox mask said as the one wearing the tiger mask look back at them with a simple nod.

"of course, I wish we could take more but we can only take one out back at a time." he replied in a soothing tone as he began to get the classroom set for the first class of the day, with the one wearing the fox mask soon sitting down to their desk as they laid his head down, but he didn't mind the waiting time, the waiting time was a part of this game, this is his routine now for the majority of the day, but wouldn't have it any other way as long as their society is growing back there...seeing how they didn't have the power to do so before.



behold the shiny beta giraffe!