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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Fallen God From Grace-WIP/RES

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Fallen God From Grace-WIP/RES
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sun, 30/06/2024 23:15 (2 Months ago)
I really need to stop giving myself work when I have plenty buttt-

There isn't any Mystery Dungeon team one right now and I kind of want to do one soooo here we go!

yes I took the void and stone concept from Pokémons in Super Mystery Dungeon, I replay that one a stupid amount of times even though now one is the next one dislike as much as Infinity....but I really like the alternate dimension void concept and the stone concept in the story.

"our favored and worshiped god of this world known as Lord Arceus make sure everything is in balance and order for all Pokemon, but what if the guy trying to do something good end up turning this god against the pokemon donating them under their watchful eye?"

"Now seeing nothing more than it's slaves to control our minds and body, serving it's every whim as if we dare to defy it or no longer sees a use for us, unmerciously turning us into stone in the world of the living and sent to a special dimension it created, imprisoning our soul there to wander around with no hope to escape."

"The only way to turn us back is to find these soul stones to place back into our statue in a special slot, but yet this is no easy task as our own shadow has come to life with the stone inside as the only way to retrieve it was to defeat our shadows, controlling their every move as Arceus saw though eyes of them to decipher what would be the next move for them to do."

"But there is hope...as there was certain groups of Pokemon that was granted a bracelet with a stunning rainbow stone inside, seeming to cause them to be immune from control and being turned to stone by a blasted dark energy from Arceus themself, this energy coming from the shadow pokemon themself that would hunt down the ones that were already controlled that had the slightest thought of disobeying, or that's if...they can sense you are a threat to Arceus themselves or wish to seek harm on them even if you couldn't win such a fight."

"But we also need special help from a different life force entirely, a whole different species even...thankfully there was a way to transfer them over to our world that only the power of Arceus could hold, being able to connect to the special devices that were called "gaming consoles' back in their own world, being sucked in through this console and landing into our world now being a pokemon that Arceus picked out themselves thinking it was the one that fit them best...but of course they didn't bring them for friendly intent, only wanting to control them like us but wasn't able to as long as they had that special bracelet."

"But that doesn't mean well...Arceus would send hordes of shadow pokemon to hunt them down to rip off the bracelet, then summoning their special ring from thin air that would fly towards there body, wrapping themselves around whatever body part they may so choose before sharp pointed ends impaled into their skin like how their own ring did, becoming one of many Arceus victims and having their mind and body being completely controlled by them."

"My, my, I should not have expected all the children I have created to behave, they deserve a much more needed punishment for all the missdeeds that they sin against me for giving them life, I gave you life and yet you choose to be an outlaw and only use your power of life for evil."

"you no longer deserve to have your own consciousness nor you're very own body I have given you, why does this feel so good though? is it because I'm finally being noticed, I'm finally recognized for my own real body and feelings then some not believing me at all!"

"yes this is right, I was so foolish before, this is how things were meant to be from the very beginning...I must control them all no matter if they have done good or evil, their mind and body was always mine in the first place and never their! maybe I can take control of a entire new species, an entire new race...control, control, I need the CONTROL!"

after becoming aware that some of their creations have been using their power for evil and doing crimes, as Arceus thought that the punishment they gave them was too light and more needed to be done so they began creating this special ring that we're in the exact shape of their, as they would materialize these raing into the thin air and launch them at misbehaving Pokemon in their eyes.

When they did wrapped themselves around a body part as four sharp points would impale into their skin as they would become slaves and servants for our Arceus for the rest of their life, with the only ones being able to take off these Rings being Arceus themselves also, at first only doing this to Pokemon that did wrong to the other Pokemon that didn't do any wrong on the living.

But after finally feeling a recognition of being noticed, being seen by the own creations they have made and taking control of there entire mind and body to serve whatever they may wish. Arceus no longer wanted to live the life of a peaceful God anymore, now attempting to take control of any and all Pokemon no matter if they were good or evil, but it became much worse when they discovered that they could control entire new species...but of course they had to use their power to bring them into their world before they can even try to do such a thing.

"we must put a stop to this, even if we win or lose we must try!"

of course It wouldn't take long for all the legendaries and mythical Pokémons to rebel against God, but even with all the legendaries and mythicals together they didn't have the power to defeat Arceus, shortly getting rings impaled onto them as they turned into stone without a hint of mercy from trying to strike them down in the first place, becoming control shadow puppets like the rest of the world grew more and more into shambles as Arceus newest set of their little play toys.

"we may not have much hope left, but got to continue what us guild was made for to help all the Pokémon in the world in need, if we can't do that then we have no right calling us Explorer teams!"

the Explorer Guild was already a well-known and highly respected for the simple things of helping Pokemon and need to all the way to capturing Outlaws by having special boards that they would put the Flyers on, with any Explorer team able to go up to the board and tear off which one they may wish to do and come back [completed it, being able to get the rewards from the receptionist Pokémon and to go on a small break on whatever they wish to do before going back to work.

but ever since disaster struck as they have been needing much more teams to recruit and train in their ways, simply getting so much flyer to put on up on the board at this point and not having enough teams to complete them all fast enough so they don't gather up and begin to clutter, and not mentioned they were seeing a lot with strange...stuff in them.

Also beginning to do research and see what they could do to possibly do until a member came in was one of those special bracelets, seeing with their own eyes that they are immune to control and shadowing stone abilities when wearing them, causing them to even do more research about how to stop this and to do special training for those ones, even now sending members of the Guild in large groups to find these Pokémon and bring them back into the Guild.

some even claiming that they weren't Pokémon and instead...are a human? Well that doesn't matter right now as we'll find a way to bring them back to their world if they so choose or stay here, all these Pokémon in humans that were granted these special bracelet is our key to finally fight back and say enough is enough!

The Guild And Its Head Leaders

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Hello and welcome to Cherry Petals guid!

why don't we meet some of the head faces shall we?



these three Pokémon of each representing core type had help to build this guild off the ground and building up it success also, they have the same level of authority as their other two elemental counterparts and are the headmasters of the guild itself.

"Oh my, look at all the new members were getting! I just want to dance my heart out and celebrate the joyous times!"

Human or Pokemon:
Mega or Tera able:
Tera Water
A normal looking shiny Quaquaval, they wear a set of EV feathers of each type with three on each side that are carefully tucked behind in front of the redhead feather right next to the blue main feather.
joyous and peppy as it hard to get Quiver down and gloomy as well matching their high energy that never seems to run out in the slightest with it having to be very bad news to get them down but once they are down they'll be like that for a little bit, trying their best to look at the goods and positives in life even when everything seems to lose all hope to even try to revive that hope a little bit as seeing others down deeply distress is Quiver, very much a sociable one as they run up to anyone that they haven't seen before it introduced himself without a hint of anxiety, only being disrespectful and not afraid to say what they have in their mind to you if you're doing the same to them back. Quiver is very clever with words and knows the right ones to to say to ease a potential fight going down, as Quivers make sure to remind all the staff and teams to try your best to treat everyone with respect and not to stoop down to the level, not afraid being that one person you need to sit down to talk to about your problems and and to give them their thoughts and words about the situation and what is may be the best way to continue, but at the same time they're very much distractible and an overthinker and will immediately forget everything you were saying as long as they see something that they deem exciting that they want to join in the have the fun also, or really pretty that they have to look at it.
Liquidation - Aqua Cutter - Aqua Step - Brick Break

"Man, we were not kidding about the influx of members we were getting! maybe things are starting to get a little bit better? We will see..only time will tell. But anyway thanks for joining, I can't wait to see what you bring and what your potential really holds!"

Human or Pokémon:
Mega or Tera able:
Tera Water
A normal looking Samurott, they wear a blue bandana around their neck that has yellow polka dots on it.
Having a natural born intimidating energy that comes from them as all it takes is a simple glare from them to quiet down most and letting out there loud battle cry with most fleeing from intimidation alone, as Sammy is a incredibly determined but loyal to the one he holds dear to his heart and putting in all the effort they could with everything to do, always driving to do more as he enjoyed the idea of potential and making sure his potential was at their highest point and loving to praise the members of the teams and reminding them to always do their best and to always stay in their place in the face of danger, never letting others dictate what he thinks about himself and such and always remind people to do the same, as well making sure to remind them to never as well as the same time to not overreact and freaked out towards the other individual even if the other person is overreacting and freaking out on you. Sammy is very much confidence and tries their best to hide things that may be affecting them as for some reason even know how hard they try they always saw showing emotion was weakness, besides you can't get too caught up in your emotions or let them control you or something bad might happen, which led to many believing Sammy didn't have emotions when they very much do and we're actually very sensitive when it comes to their own emotions and other Pokemons emotion, always taking everything to heart even if they make sure they don't show it so no one dares to know how sensitive they are to emotions.
Shell Armor
Aqua Tail - Razor Shell - Swords Dance - Retaliate

"member, member, so many new members! I can't help when every time I see a new face joining the family that I just want to sing a beautiful song out loud for everyone to hear, maybe the all of us can even do a sing along together!"

Human or Pokémon:
Mega or Tera able:
Tera Water
A normal looking Primarina, they wear a noticeably glittering pink tiara carefully talk behind the white dots in front of the forehead, even having a..lustrous orb in the middle of it? everyone has asked where they got such an elusive item but she only replies that "it was a special case!" and only giggles back at them.
A teaser and a joker as Symphony doesn't take anything seriously as long as she has to but when she does she surprisingly is good at being quite serious and will say what's on her mind without a second thought, though when she accidentally hurt someone's feelings she'll do everything in her power to make up for it and expresses genuine regret when she apologize, she's usually someone that's in her own little world and tends to space off in her head a lot and come back to reality when she feels like it, they're similar to Quiver when it comes to someone who is hard to bring down but it has to be very sad news for them to come down, unlike them though she can't read the room as much quicker as they do and can say something that makes things a lot worse than better without meaning to. Symphony is very much a treasure hunter and gets highly ecstatic when she finds something in her eyes that is treasure, similar how she cherishes all the team members that behaving and all the other Pokemon that she works with at the guild, having a wide variety of pearls, gems, and jewels she likes to show off other as she was highly proud and hold a lot of value with every piece of item in her collection, she also adores to sing and breaks out in tune thank to her species as she goes out and sings to make water balloons for fun sometimes or even make a little show out of them, also being a skilled and grateful dancer while she's in the water and likes to dance about in the water too for fun, every battle she may get into instead of treating it like an intense fight she treated like a stage for everyone to watch and adore.
Liquid Voice
Sparkling Aria - Moonblast - Alluring Voice - Rain Dance


these three Pokémon of each representing core type had help to build this guild off the ground and building up it success also, they have the same level of authority as their other two elemental counterparts and are the headmasters of the guild itself.

"new members hm? well they better have somebody to show they're not welcome here my eyes, if you're not going to put your all out there then why even enroll in the first place!"

Human or Pokémon:
Mega or Tera able:
Tera Dark
A normal looking shiny Incineroar, they wear a fire gem necklace around there neck.
Zuko isn't the most easiest Pokémon to get along with as he's more in a dislike end then the like end with many Pokémon that may meet him, at the same time he doesn't help with his case with his violent demeanor as well as a selfishness, almost never being satisfied and want more and more out of Pokémon until they're exhausted and yet he doesn't mind in the slightest doing so, definitely willing to push Pokémon to their breaking point as long as they get stronger and tougher in the end and very good at doing so too, constantly demanding more and more out of other Pokémon without a care in the world as most have to be a strong soul not to get tired from him. Zuko is very good at ignoring if he's not in the move to listen to other Pokémon and play it off that he truly didn't hear it then ignore him yet, this usually happening when they're talking about a subject that may be boring to him but not boring to others, always being a nonchalant one about everything and anything as getting him to actually care about something is a task on its own, not to mention being rough around the edges and never loosening up even a little bit as anything that's usually given to him becomes broken or damage as he simply doesn't know how to handle things with care. Zuko is very much egotistical and is not afraid to show it to anyone in the slightest but there's also a good chance that he won't even remember you, as Zuko only remembers fights with or strong opponents as weak ones are simply boring and mean nothing to him, if you're not strong or powerful than they simply don't want anything to do with you and won't even bother remembering the basic details about you, with Zuko only really making sure to behave in meetings with other Headmasters or if there's one around.
Crunch - Darkest Lariat - Flare Blitz - Bulk Up

"Well I on the other hand is happy and excited when a new member comes to join our family, no matter if there weak or strong!"

Human or Pokemon:
Mega or Tera able:
Tera Fire
A normal looking shiny Emboar, they wear bracelets on their blue ring that are made out of charcoal which leads to the blue ring not being seen.
A deeply caring soul as Pyro has room for everyone that has good but definitely doesn't have room for the ones that have done bad and always make sure to welcome a new member as they always get quite excited when they see a new face come in, as most would be surprised when they showed that they did have a rowdy and defensive side with Pyro constantly being on edge about their surroundings as well themselves and is one to get easily stressed about things, due to them being one that's always so kind and wants to help everyone needed it and even once that didn't need it, doing things that she's asked to do with no complaint as well as being a respectable and polite figured to others. Pyro is one of the main helpers of the guild she enjoyed making it perfect and presentable when anyone would walk in, usually keeping yourself busy with tasks as this is intentional thing as she was one that enjoyed feeling the effort that they put in there work as well constantly running around and moving thank to the busyness, very much someone who easily gets uneasy and stress when she doesn't have a distraction to prevent her to dwindle on her thought but is loyal and protective for the ones that she cares for and make sure to put an effort to show how much she cares about that Pokémon and how important they are to them, causing them to be someone who is constantly concern about them and for their safety even when there's no need or call for it.
Head Smash - Flare Blitz - Brick Break - Drain Punch

"well, well, I see we got quite the influx of all these new faces coming to join us! this place hasn't been this lively in a while but is so nice to see a welcome change as well new energy in the air, I miss those times but there back i see and at least we'll have something to do and we'll never be staying still now! Anyway, it's nice to have you with us and I can't wait to see what new opportunities you may bring us!"

Human or Pokemon:
Mega or Tera able:
A normal looking Blaziken, they wear a necklace that has a fire shaped hanging down with a Blazikenite engrave in the middle of it.
Having a feisty energy as well attitude to them but out-going to try anything new that they haven't done before as Phoenix is highly passionate to just about everything and enjoy giving praise to the members when they have done a good job as well as giving them small boosts of encouragement in a much nicer way then Zuko, as they did agree pushing them a little bit and putting them to work so they can approve but definitely not to there extent of hard love and say some nice praise here and there is enough to have a member get their boost to work harder than they did yesterday, making sure to remind them that work is always appreciated by everyone and they wouldn't to be able to do certain things without their team members, phoenix is usually relax as well composed but can be rather terrifying when they need to be not afraid to call out someone else as well as their misbehavior, very much someone who gives love by hard truth and doesn't make sure to downplay anything when they're giving they're blunt and honest truth. Phoenix is highly competitive when it comes to things but the good kind of competitive and never make sure to go too far with it, being a highly courageous soul that isn't afraid to put themselves in the front line, incredibly able to follow commands in the heated moments without it having to be repeated to them twice and isn't someone you can easily confused.
Normal and Mega ability:
Speed Boost
Blaze Kick - Fire Punch - Brick Break - Bulk Up


these three Pokémon of each representing core type had help to build this guild off the ground and building up it success also, they have the same level of authority as their other two elemental counterparts and are the headmasters of the guild itself.

"look at all the new faces, I love having a new ones to protect under my arms!"

Human or Pokemon:
Mega or Tera able:
Tera Grass
A normal looking shiny Chesnaught, they wear a set of big roots for each spike that is carefully wrapped around it on their back.
highly empathetic and get attached to other people easily as Chester can normally read other people's emotions rather well and is very protective towards their members and ones that can't defend for themselves just yet similar to Pyro, making them easily crosses overbearing towards others which they can be sometimes but all of it with good intentions then bad, taking blame on themselves much harder than others when they may have messed up and done a mistake or may have accidentally hurt someone's feelings. but sadly Chester is someone who is always quick to assumptions and can become horribly aggressive as well violent, this mean the case as if they see someone else hurt another member of their family's feelings unintentionally or intentionally, not even waiting for a second to get the full picture as Chester will attack the individual that may have done harm, with the fire leaders having to come and intervene as they make Chester reluctantly apologize to the individual that they have harmed, but other than that they are very much a tame and a good pokemon with a good heart that only wants to protect the innocent.
Spiky Shield - Seed Bomb - Crunch - Drain Punch

The Second Half Of Head Leaders

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"I guess it's only right did I do come over to say hello, it's not my fault that laying down and taking naps just happened to feel so good!"

Human or Pokemon:
Mega or Tera able:
Tera Ground
A normal looking Torterra, they have delicate but actually tough surprisingly string lace around the branches on the tree on their back, with this string having a multitude of miracle seeds hanging down.
A lazy but proud to be one soul as Atlas was a little to relax and not to learn about things as they would be seen laying down for most of the time as they would only get up if they had a reason to or told, being one who loves his daily afternoon naps and gets right or grumpy if he has to wake up from them and becomes rather grouchy and irritable as well as complain a lot more when that happens, only stepping in the intervene when no one is there to and if they really had to and simply had no choice but they do get a little bit of happiness when they have to get up to say hi to a new member an introduce themselves was just being one of the few only times where emotion is expressed than grogginess or blankness of a deadeye stare. Altes doesn't have much of a filter but at least tries to say sorry and make it up when they may have accidentally hurt someone's feelings, with this being an exception when they find members that are on the greedy or selfish side, then they'll say what they have on their mind was no remorse or attempt to try and make an apology for what they said, desperately unable to stand the ones that may be rude or ones that are just a little bit too ruckus or loud to there likeing.
Shell Armor
Earthquake - Seed Bomb - Crunch - Iron Defence

"Are we sure all these teams are going to be able to help us? things have been really bad and this is our best solution, what if solution doesn't even work? I'm not against getting new members as they always welcome, but I'm not sure if we should be dragging them into this?"

Human or Pokemon:
Mega or Tera able:
A normal looking shiny Venusaur, they have a golden cuff wrapped around the middle of their entire tree on their back, with the middle of it having a Venusaurite.
Highly considerate but also anxious and a paranoid one as Lotus considers the safety of everyone else before their own and what thing members should there should not be dragged into, as Lotus someone who isn't afraid to use their voice and often uses a lot to inject their opinion on something, very much someone who has a hard time looking at the good and looking at the bed which they have a lot easier time looking at, being someone who is able to show high respect and wise with there word, being someone who knows when to back down and to come back to a later if things for getting too heated in the moment. Lotus is the one that keep track of all the members due to them having a good memory to remember every single face, making them able to notice when one is missing and to sound the alarm to go on a search for them, volunteering themselves and being the leader on the hunt for a member that hasn't come back yet, having a hard time sleeping due to them constantly being in a state of worrying and concerning for all the other pokémon then themselves. Lotus can intervene but only does when it come to being rude or being selfish is a no-go with them, making them very good friends with chester due to them shareing the same mentality, only difference is that they don't assume and only make their final verdict on personal eyewitness evidence or giveing evidence that they can't debunk.
Normel and Mega Ability:
Overgrow and Thick Fat
Energy Ball - Giga Drain - Solar Beam - Sludge Bomb


these individual Pokémon for their respective three types are ranked lower then the headmasters and are assistants for all three of them, as they would take a place when one headmasters out or all of them if all are out as they may not be able to change the rules due to then being one rank lower, but they're able to give commands to other member due to them being one rank higher.

"this calls for a celebration, let's have a even better celebration than before, let's party all night even! but make sure we have the karaoke, we always need the karaoke, there is never a party where we don't need karaoke!"

Human or Pokemon:
Mega or Tera able:
Tera Fire
A normal looking Skeledirge, they wear a collar that is mixed with orange and gold and having tera shard of ghost and fire spikes on it.
Overly energetic and almost never seems to sleep as Sklela only wants to have fun and live everyday to the fullest and let herself loose in celebration and parties that she lives for and to jam out every beat that she may hear, very much being childish to say the least then being adult as she always saw adults not being able to let loose and just to have a little fun for once, unable to wait very well as patience was not one of her strong suits and was horribly impatient and only wanted to get to the point or already have something she may have asked for, making sure did not be greedy though as she would only ask for saying she actually really wanted and would take insanely good care of it if you ever gave her something, even if it was grimy food. Sklela can't really take anything seriously thanks of this as long as it was the most dire situation that demand her attention, surprisingly being rather good being able to finish something that she got her intent on and interest to do, not that she was willing to do just about everything as if you tell her to do something and she'll just go "okay!" and run off to do it, but one of their favorite things to do was to sing as they were insanely good friends and vocal buddies with Symphony, she is also someone who is usually unaware of a lot of things until being told straight to the point and very much for surrounding so she crash into thing often but would walk away like nothing happened.
Torch Song - Flamethrower - Shadow Ball - Hex

"I don't think this is the best time to celebrate, we must stay focused on the task at hand, those Pokémon that are trapped in stone are suffering and we must save every single one we get a chance to! we can party later but right now, it's not party time!"

Human or Pokemon:
Mega or Tera able:
Tera Water
A normal looking Empoleon, they have a mystic water droplet ingrain on the front of their long that ends off in a point horns.
Seriously strict as Skipper doesn't have much room for fun and games as well as shenanigans and silly little arguments and especially protest, definitely not being one to stand behind and watch people suffer without saying something about it or doing anything about it, being stern in about every way with their guard always up and never letting themself loosen up even a little bit, his pride and ego being one of his most valuable things and can't take criticism well about it and begin to slash your wings around as they don't actually ever hit members, only doing warning shots as he see no reason to amuse them in the first place if they couldn't go all out before walking away. Skipper very much to show off and not the good kind as on land they were incredibly slow but in the water they can go as fast as a jet plane, often enjoying swimming in the water in general but really liked showing his speed off to others, guilting himself in the aw he would get as he enjoyed praise a little too much, very much having a good heart but his ego and the pride gets in the way of showing down a lot of time, always being the one to react and be on top of thing as he would do task or chores that others may forgot to do and then going up to them to remind them to do it next time.
Water Pledge - Hydro Pump - Flash Cannon - Ice Beam

"I don't see any harm doing some little bit of celebration to light up to move! Granted if it is short as we don't want to be fully distracted from the task at hand, besides it gives me some chance to practice more with my drums and not to mention is good to lift spirits up even if it's a little bit!"

Human or Pokemon:
Mega or Tera able:
Tera Grass
A normal looking Rillaboom, they wear a necklace with a grass gem hanging down.
One who values harmony over everything else and is credibly gentle of caring but let themselves loose the moment that they hear music or something they can jam to, Tempo is very much naturally upbeat and doesn't get sad often until given depression news but still finds a way to lighten the mood up even when given some and the good that the world has to offer to keep themselves living another day, always striving to do their best and they don't mind failure in the slightest and are actually happy when they do. Tempo acts as a mender and tries their best to diffuse any situation that's getting too heated even if they have to be the punching bag, usually letting them get their emotions out so they're able to calm down much more faster by saying whatever they want and doesn't get hurt due to them knowing its frustration with emotions, making sure never to take things personally as they usually doesn't end well as they usually let others do their thing while they're doing their own.
Grassy Surge
Drum Beating - Seed Bomb - Drain Punch - Brick Break

The Patrol

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these Pokémon fly around the sky and help Pokémon in need that they spot, no matter if the pokémon is a citizen of the town or not, if the Pokémon is injured then they're required to take them back to the guild into the nurse's room and office.

"another day another dollar! let's do our best crew, I believe that maybe we'll even do better than last time, but it's not like we ever do our best in the first place!"

Human or Pokemon:
Mega or Tera able:
Tera Flying
A normal looking but shiny Talonflame, they wear a bracelet around there ankle that was made by the guild as well as their partners that had a heart symbol on it so the guild could keep track of them but also the Pokemon in distress that they would help with know that they were part of the guild by the special bracelets, there bracelet they wear was colored gold as well as the heart on it.



behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 18/07/2024 16:30 (1 Month ago)

my reminder to work on this throughout the month and not be distracted by everything else!



behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sat, 03/08/2024 20:08 (1 Month ago)

second monthly reminder to work on these throughout the month...these things take a lot of time to make sadly.



behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Wed, 28/08/2024 15:02 (10 Days ago)

third reminder for the month.



behold the shiny beta giraffe!