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Pokeradar Inactive Notification

Forum-Index Suggestions Pokeradar Inactive Notification
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 774
Posted: Wed, 13/03/2024 17:01 (11 Months ago)
For non-premium members.

After purchasing the pokeradar you need to turn it on before you hatch an egg. But sometimes people wait a long time between purchasing their pokeradar and starting their chain; they may forget to turn it on before hatching.

Suggestion: "You've just hatched an egg, would you like this xyz pokemon egg to count towards your chain?" on the pokeradar page. If you say yes, it starts your pokeradar chain with the most recent pokemon hatched. Or, in addition to appearing on the pokeradar page, as a toggle-able option to pop up on your notification wall, though I can see how that would be annoying for people who take a while to prep a hunt; notification wall reminder could appear after an egg hatches or timed (similar to honey tree notification).

This way, the most recent pokemon hatched can be counted to the new pokeradar chain. This would allow non-premium shiny hunters a chance to start their chain, even if they forgot to turn on their radar before hatching the egg.

This would be most useful for rare, legendary, or event hunts but is also useful for all non-premium members who use the pokeradar.

Ex: I purchased the radar but forgot to turn it on before hatching the Autumn Abra eggs I had in storage. While this wouldn't jump my chain up to the number I hatched, it would still start my chain, since the most recent hatchling was an Autumn Abra.
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Sun, 14/04/2024 12:15 (10 Months ago)
Thread has received Mod approval and is now open for discussion.
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