Welcome to Cake at Stake TMD! The votes have been received so here
are the results!
Trecko~Pirate, maskyzeno, Mustarkip, Hawseentire, Feesh, and Nrtya,
with no votes you are all safe!
Piloowthehydreigon, you got 1 vote but you’re safe.
We are down to our final two, and with 1 vote the last person safe
Unfortunately, that means kaleb1234 is out with 2 votes, so cya…
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
Moving on to the second Cake at Stake. FITH was punished with this
for not listening to me, and cancelling the third round. The wheel
will decide who is safe and who is eliminated. Wheel, do the
Wheel Results:
First one safe is… libby40!
Second safe is… TheRivulet_!
Third safe is… ~Hummus~!
Fourth safe is… Adminus!
Fifth safe is… Dook_Larue!
Final five proof:
Sixth place is… GooBear.
Seventh place is… Bretty!
Final three proof:
Eight safe is… ShinyZata!
One of you is out!
Aaaaand final safe is… RyanTheGoofyTophatlovr!
No mercy for foxyd0pe12, who got eliminated from order of the
wheel. Proof:
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
Fourth challenge! First to get to 1m pd wins for their team. If u
have 1m pd already you can’t participate. No cheating >:(
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*
*This post was sponsored by YOYLECAKE Central.
Teardrop~, Marker, Lemondrop~, and other names made by @Lemondrop~
are property of YOYLECAKE Central. Please do not use YOYLECAKE
CENTRAL characters without permission!*