Forum Thread
MoonSomnia's Shop [Open]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → MoonSomnia's Shop [Open]Rules:

1 - All PokeHeroes rules apply.
2 - Please use the form when ordering.
3 - If ordering Pokemon, only order from boxes with the word "Trade." All other boxes are off-limits.
4 - The max. number of Pokemon per order is 15.
5 - Pokemon are first come, first serve, so please don't get mad if the Pokemon you want isn't available anymore.
6 - I will set up the trades. You will have seven days to accept it. Otherwise, I will cancel it.
7 - Please be patient, as I'm not always online.
8 - If you fail to follow the rules, you'll be given a warning. Three warnings, and you'll be banned.
9 - If you have any other questions, feel free to PM/PP me.
2 - Please use the form when ordering.
3 - If ordering Pokemon, only order from boxes with the word "Trade." All other boxes are off-limits.
4 - The max. number of Pokemon per order is 15.
5 - Pokemon are first come, first serve, so please don't get mad if the Pokemon you want isn't available anymore.
6 - I will set up the trades. You will have seven days to accept it. Otherwise, I will cancel it.
7 - Please be patient, as I'm not always online.
8 - If you fail to follow the rules, you'll be given a warning. Three warnings, and you'll be banned.
9 - If you have any other questions, feel free to PM/PP me.

Easy - 100 pd
Medium - 200 pd
Hard - 300 pd
Rare - 500 pd
Starter - 500 pd
Legendaries - dependent on stonks
Events - dependent on stonks
Other Additions:
Gender Specific - x1.5 of the original price
Add Everstone - +50 pd
Easy - 100 pd
Medium - 200 pd
Hard - 300 pd
Rare - 500 pd
Starter - 500 pd
Legendaries - dependent on stonks
Events - dependent on stonks
Other Additions:
Gender Specific - x1.5 of the original price
Add Everstone - +50 pd
Pokemon for Sale:

As mentioned above, all Pokemon for
sale are listed in boxes with the word "Trade" in it. Trade 0 is
Trade 1
Trade 2
Trade 3
Trade 0
I also have Pokemon from the Fishbox that you can order.
Poliwag x5
Poliwhirl x28
Tentacool x91
Tentacruel x13
Shellder x1
Cloyster x11
Horsea x4
Goldeen x68
Seaking x22
Staryu x7
Magikarp x77
Gyarados x23
Chinchou x13
Lanturn x18
Marill x3
Remoraid x44
Azurill x54
Carvanha x4
Wailmer x8
Corphish x9
Feebas x4
Clamperl x16
Huntail x2
Finneon x2
Lumineon x6
Mantyke x17
Phione x3
Tympole x5
Frillish x15
Tynamo x34
Inkay x19
Skrelp x17
Clauncher x17
Crabrawler x11
Crabominable x2
Wishiwashi x18
Wishiwashi (School) x5
Bruxish x23
Arrokuda x6
Barraskewda x5
Last updated Friday, 8 Dec
Trade 1
Trade 2
Trade 3
Trade 0
I also have Pokemon from the Fishbox that you can order.
Poliwag x5
Poliwhirl x28
Tentacool x91
Tentacruel x13
Shellder x1
Cloyster x11
Horsea x4
Goldeen x68
Seaking x22
Staryu x7
Magikarp x77
Gyarados x23
Chinchou x13
Lanturn x18
Marill x3
Remoraid x44
Azurill x54
Carvanha x4
Wailmer x8
Corphish x9
Feebas x4
Clamperl x16
Huntail x2
Finneon x2
Lumineon x6
Mantyke x17
Phione x3
Tympole x5
Frillish x15
Tynamo x34
Inkay x19
Skrelp x17
Clauncher x17
Crabrawler x11
Crabominable x2
Wishiwashi x18
Wishiwashi (School) x5
Bruxish x23
Arrokuda x6
Barraskewda x5
Last updated Friday, 8 Dec

Most item prices are loosely based
on stonks.
x6 Fire Stone - 1.5k pd
x10 Leaf Stone - 1k pd
x12 Thunderstone - 1k pd
x6 Water Stone - 1.5k pd
x32 Sun Stone - 1.5k pd
x1 Moon Stone - 2k pd
x3 Dawn Stone - 1.5k pd
x5 Dusk Stone - 2.5k pd
x1 Shiny Stone - 5k pd
x47 Ice Stone - 1k pd
x13 Soothe Bell - 3k pd
x6 Fire Stone - 1.5k pd
x10 Leaf Stone - 1k pd
x12 Thunderstone - 1k pd
x6 Water Stone - 1.5k pd
x32 Sun Stone - 1.5k pd
x1 Moon Stone - 2k pd
x3 Dawn Stone - 1.5k pd
x5 Dusk Stone - 2.5k pd
x1 Shiny Stone - 5k pd
x47 Ice Stone - 1k pd
x13 Soothe Bell - 3k pd
The Form:

If any part of the form is
non-applicable, feel free to leave it blank.
Hey, Somni! I'd like to order...
Pokemon -
Any with Everstone? -
Items -
Tip (optional) -
Anything else -
Hey, Somni! I'd like to order...
Pokemon -
Any with Everstone? -
Items -
Tip (optional) -
Anything else -
Tip Jar:
Warning/Ban List:
Pokemon - venusaur , typholsion, braxien, the female and male frogadair or greninjas with the different ots, cinderace these are all in box 1, box 2 fenekin
Any with Everstone? - no
Items - no
Tip (optional) -
Anything else -
Title: Hi 👋
Any with Everstone? - just treecko ^^
Items - none
Tip (optional) - 1000
Anything else - nothing
Pokemon - Zarude
Any with Everstone? - no thanks
Items - none
Tip (optional) - none
Anything else - none
Letter for the giveaway hunt:H
My Lil Shop

Name: Captain
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage[/align]
Title: Hi
Hey, Somni! I'd like to order...
Pokemon - Trade 1 Castform, Trade 3 Chingling
Any with Everstone? - No
Items - none
Tip (optional) - 2000
Anything else - None
Pokemon - Raichu (Alolan), Unown Q, Lopunny, Minccino, Emolga (Female), Carbink, Scorfolia from box 2; Unown ?, Vivillon (Elegant), Oricorio (Pa'u), Bombardier from Box 1;Unown S, Deerling (Winter), Brionne (Female) from box 3; Zeraopa from box 0.
Any with Everstone? - No
Items - No
Tip (optional) - 3K PD
Anything else - No
Title: Buying
Pokemon - Galarian Rapidash Plz!
Any with Everstone? - No
Items - No
Tip (optional) - No
Anything else - Plz from Box 0 :D
Check them Out!, They have Nice artwork :D
Just a Random Person :p