Hey Kecleon, I would like to order the following Event/Special
Pokémon: every magikarp patterns I don't have(all any gender)
Include an everstone?: no
Tips (not mandatory): gold mystery boxes
Note: Thank you :D
Hello everyone, I'm Neko yea not Nemo from finding Nemo XD, but you can try to find me if
you want :D
@nekoman I have a Calico, Orange, Pink, Gray, Purple, Apricot,
Brown, White, Black and Blue patterned Magikarp for you! Your total
will be 21.400 pd for all of them :)
I'll set up a PT for you!
Visit the Kecleon Shop run by Expecto_patrONIX and me
for Event Pokémon & more
Hey Kecleon, I would like to buy the following Pokémon:Honedge,
Goomy, Noibat
Seller: Lavender_luxray
Include an everstone?: yes, for all of them
Tips (not mandatory): Not rn, too broke here lol
@XxsatoshikunxX I might not be understanding this correctly, but it
sounds like you might be interested in regular Kanto Pokemon to
complete that pokedex?
Both Expecto and I have a Ditto, so we can breed regular Pokemon as
well, which is why we also mention "regular breeding service for
dex completion" as a possible service in this shop. We do not have
a specific list for the regular Pokemon we can breed, you would
just have to check our boxes to see if we own a specific Pokemon
you want. Prices are calculated using Stonks for them.
Please use the form also used for the Event Pokemon requests if
you'd be interested in this service.
Visit the Kecleon Shop run by Expecto_patrONIX and me
for Event Pokémon & more
@ExXLI if you'd like an event breeding pair that can be arranged!
It would mean that Expecto breeds one half of the pair and I the
other. You can check the list for which events are available! Do
note that we don't always both own certain events, so some options
may not be available. Just ask if there's a certain pair you would
like, and we can check!
If you'd like a regular Pokemon breeding pair, this can also be
arranged, but we do not have a set list of which regular Pokemon we
can breed. For that you'd have to check our boxes. Both Expecto and
I have a Ditto, so we can pretty much breed any pokemon for you to
create breeding pairs. The cost will be determined using
You can also just ask here or via PalPad/PM to either Expecto or me
if we have specific pokemon available and we can check that
Otherwise, we may occasionally have breeding pairs by chance in our
for sale boxes. You can also check those out as well.
Visit the Kecleon Shop run by Expecto_patrONIX and me
for Event Pokémon & more
The breeding pair I would like is any sort of event mareep (winter
❄️, spring 🌼, summer 🌞, autumn 🍁). I don't know if you have that or
not. I am happy to wait if you don't
We don't have a set pair ready but we do both own winter and autumn
Mareep/Ampharos to breed. If you fill in the form and request any
pair of those I will put you on the waiting list and we will breed
them when it's your turn :)
Visit the Kecleon Shop run by Expecto_patrONIX and me
for Event Pokémon & more
Small shop rules update
We have added a rule about the amount of time you may take to
accept a trade, which will be 2 weeks. This should be enough
time for everyone to accept a trade and will make sure we don't
have too many outstanding private trades. The 2 week can be
extended if you notify us about needing more time!
Hey Kecleon, I would like to order the following Event/Special
Pokémon: 1 fishleon, 1 swampras, 1 coocoot and 1 turzai
Breeder: no preference
Include an everstone?: yes on those who can evolve
Tips (not mandatory): A few gems ^^
Hey Kecleon, I would like to order the following Event/Special
Pokémon: [Solar Eevee]
Breeder: [Lavender_Luxray]
Include an everstone?: no
Tips (not mandatory): Shadow Lugia