Forum Thread
Escape the Arcade RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Escape the Arcade RPAstoria: Edgar, you ought to have some sleep. *carries Edgar*
Edgar: I...
Astoria: *still carrying Edgar, flexes her muscles* BUFF ZORUA.
Edgar: *wants to die*
Astoria: No worries you won't die while I'm here *slumps him right next to Vanny* Night night Edgar
Edgar: *closed his eyes*
Astoria: Great.
Edgar: *did a weird smile*
Astoria: What's wrong with you.
Spearmint: Maybe he's just having a good dream? *sussy pose*
8-Bit: *screams at Spearmint* HE WON'T BE DREAMING THAT SOON!
Astoria: Either he has a crush on Vanny or he drugged.
8-Bit: the Edgar I know won't do both of them. He hates most people and he's under 18
Spearmint: But what happened to him though?
8-Bit: So it's not that. But HOW CAN HE DRUG with all of us here?
Astoria: Never seen he do that
Spearmint: Still wanna know why he's that weird right now.
8-Bit: he was weird too after Glitchtrap controlled him
Spearmint: That's long ago.
Astoria: Hey, that's not very nice to Eddie.
Edgar: *didn't even react*
8-Bit: *using mechanical voice* DEATHSTALKER IS HERE.
Astoria: OH GASH
??: L I have your IP address, you can't get home
8-Bit: I know it's you, E-T.
E-T: *using a loud voice* He's here, he's here, flee like ants guys