Spooky: Nice to meet you missing *She smile. She was still
glitching a bit but shrugged it off.* I suppose you know how I got
here right....? Or no....? *she looked around again* This is a
strange place anyways.....
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
Stands up and walks away*
"This is really annoying"
He hears someone talking nu Erik ignores at first.
"I can take a look but if there is something evil I wont run again"
Spooky: Um... I guess that's fine with me.... *her ear twitched and
she quickly jumped and turned to face the person who spoke. She was
glitching hard now. Her voice started to glitch a bit as well.*
W-Whø ªřə ýóū...‽
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`
Spooky: *She was still glitching alot and her voice was still
glitchy also. Her ear twitched again.* İ-İm §pøøķý būţ ýøú čªń čªłł
mə §pøøķ.... *She looked at Erik with a glitchy smile and laughed*
İm ª ªñımªţřōñıč řªbbıţ¡ I ªłwªý§ đø ţhı§....
`° Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's
soul remains unawakened. °`