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Shades of Gray(Thread)

Forum-Index Roleplay Shades of Gray(Thread)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 10:13 (2 Years ago)
The bullet lodged itself right between his eyes. he staggered for a moment, before falling. He seemed... surprised.

"You did it. You crazy bastard..."

His grin was psychotic, but hadn't faded, even as the bullet ripped through his head.
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 10:14 (2 Years ago)
"Atleast I Didn't Called The Forces For Help"

Walks away And Dropped An Grenade

"How About That"

Sprints Quickly Until He Was Very Far
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 10:20 (2 Years ago)
"... Did he just..." Foxglove poked Kendo with his finger. "Wow, did he just die." He kicked the grenade away, towards Time and away from them.
❤ Certified G1 Hot Rod Enjoyer & IDW Rodimus Hater ❤

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 10:22 (2 Years ago)
"The Explosion Wasn't Reachable..."

Reloads The Gun

"I Think I Would Buy A Rifle Next Time"
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 10:23 (2 Years ago)
Kendo was by all accounts dead. His eyes had rolled back into his head, and there was a very clear gunshot wound on his forehead.
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 10:24 (2 Years ago)
"Ughhh. Ewww." he looked to Athena. "Are you gonna clean this up orrrr is the other guy gonna clean this up. Because I ain't."
❤ Certified G1 Hot Rod Enjoyer & IDW Rodimus Hater ❤

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 10:27 (2 Years ago)
"Im Gonna Get His Body.."

"Im Gonna Freeze His Body First Before I Revived Him"
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 473
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 10:27 (2 Years ago)
He ignored her, like she didn't exist. Such a nice friend. Didn't even bother greeting everyone and getting the situation straight before putting a bullet in Kendo's head. Ah well, she didn't like him anyways. Always so full of himself, even for a hero. She checked Kendo. He was dead. Or at least appeared to be. That was... Quite impossible to believe. It happened so quickly she didn't have time to react. And even if she did have time, she didn't know quite how to react. It was kind of like in a book where an important character just suddenly dies. And everyone is stuck and unsure of what to do. After staring at Kendo for a full five seconds, she heard Foxglove's question. "I'll handle it."
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 10:29 (2 Years ago)
"Cool." He stood up straight turning to Time. "Look, I don't know what's your problem, but you've done your thing. Now could you leave? Shooting someone through the head and then dropping a grenade, who does he think he is." Foxglove muttered, cracking his knuckles.
❤ Certified G1 Hot Rod Enjoyer & IDW Rodimus Hater ❤

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 10:31 (2 Years ago)
"1 Mission Completed 12 More To Go"

Checks The Document That The Government Gives

"If You Ever Feel Anger... Try Revenge.."

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 473
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 10:34 (2 Years ago)
Athena chased after him. She trusted Elucian to handle Kendo. And she wasn't going to miss this chance to chat with her old friend.
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 10:37 (2 Years ago)
"Uh-huh, weirdo. Hey, wait-" He groaned as Athena ran after Time. "Great, now I'm gonna be the one responsible for this murder, huh-"
❤ Certified G1 Hot Rod Enjoyer & IDW Rodimus Hater ❤

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 10:41 (2 Years ago)
"What Im Gonna Do With The Body?"

"Put It On The Truck Fox! Im Gonna Revive Him On The Laboratary"

Walked Back To His Home

"What Did I Done!??"

"Am I A Murderer!?? Is This Even Count As The Murder!!??"

"I Just Do The Governments Command But Why I Been Like Intensely Crazy"

"I Think I Need Some Rest"
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 97
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 13:47 (2 Years ago)
Elucian stared down at Kendo's body. Huh. Well that had happened.

"Today is a great day," she said aloud. Using her magnetism, she lifted his body into the air, and oriented him as if he could possibly be walking. A simple strip of fabric hid the blood caked on his head. A bit of dry ice stolen from a merchant became the pseudo-cryogenics to keep him alive. Her EM field lowered the temperature so it wouldn't sublimate. The girl and the marionette hovered down the back alleys of the city, until they reached a secret corner of the world.

Pulling up a trap door, Elucian used an EM pulse, and brought the two down underground. It was one of the many safehouses that various villains used. There were seven in all; while a villain was in the "community" safehouses, the could not raise arms against their fellow villains.

Luckily, it was deserted. Luce EMed Kendo onto a lab table in the pristine sciency portion of the structure. Using her powers, she did a brain scan. Perfect, she thought. Only Time would be so blinded by revenge to actually miss all the important bits. His skull was cracked where the bullet had entered, but neither the bullet nor the bone fragments had pierced his brain. Kendo was literally too thick-headed. Perfect.

She erected a very precise field in the lab. First order of business: stop the blood. Using her iron manipulation, she was able to redirect Kendo's blood so he didn't lose it all from the open wound. She removed the bullet, and surveyed what she had to work with. Second order of business: fix the skull. Mixing a combination of plaster and steel, she created a plate that would replace the fractured bits. Slowly angling a medical hydrolic drill, she carefully removed each part of the skull that was cracked, mindful as to not touch the brain. She replaced it with the metal plate, and fused it to his existing skull using a combination of adhesion and magnetism.

Third: she needed to heal the wound itself. Activating her iron manipulation again, she carefully rebuilt the circulatory system near the point of impact. Each vein needed to be as precise as possible. It was time consuming. She carefully coaxed the dead cells back to life with her pulses, and moved them into position by interacting with the iron in the ribosomes stored in the endoplasmic reticulum. An hour later, they were done. She re-pressurized the veins by forcing all the oxygen out of them, and resumed the blood flow. Fourth: the wound needed to be closed. A little bit of needle and thread did the job perfectly.

And while she was here... nicotine had faint traces of iron in it. Elucian carefully removed the bits that had embedded themselves in Kendo's lungs. This would buy him another half-decade before smoking killed him. But honestly... he needed to give up the disgusting habit.

Fifth and finally: she actually needed to make Kendo alive again. She administered a sedative so he wouldn't wake up prematurely as she was finishing the job. A quick EM pulse jolted his heart back to life, and a bit of fine tuning ensured that all the cells would follow the pacemaker she had selected. She followed the electricity with her mind. It was indeed reaching his brain.

Injecting Kendo with the counter-sedative, she stood back and surveyed her work. He was alive.

"Wakey, wakey, you idiot. I am never trusting my judgement in staying out of a fight again..."
It was never meant to be.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟

My current RP work:
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Back in the scheme of things for Andrael

We cool.

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 13:53 (2 Years ago)

Kendo jumped up, getting off the table.

"GAhhh, That [duck]ing hurt! You know I would've been fine even if you left me there, right?"

Kendo got off the table, stretching. He pat down his pockets, making sure everything was there. Of course, his cigarettes were gone.

"Hey! Give me my cigs back!"

He sighed. He closed his eyes for a second, a slight green glow surrounding his body.

"There we go! all healed :]"
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 13:56 (2 Years ago)
"Another Work... I Hope It's Not A Another Assasination.."

Opens The Document For The Next Mission

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 473
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 13:58 (2 Years ago)
Athena had followed Time back to his house. The government organized living areas. Of course. Looking back at the monotonous house that had once been what her home looked like, she felt anger bubbling. They had security cameras everywhere, the windows were all unbreakable glass that couldn't be opened, doors all locked after curfew, all under the pretense of keeping the heroes safe, but it really was to monitor their every move and make sure they weren't doing anything against regulations, aka keep them in the government's grasp. It was a miracle she'd managed to sneak out actually. Even for her, such high security was a challenge. Time disappeared inside. Luckily, she remembered how to get in and out, the way to trick the cameras, and where all the traps were. The government was dumb to place all the security systems of every single house in the same place, but they probably didn't expect heroes to go rogue. Careful to not set anything off, Athena entered Time's house.
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 14:01 (2 Years ago)
"Now My Dinner Would Be.. Ham?? That Would Be Fine"

Brings The Documents But Leaves The Old Ones

"Now 3 Missions Needed To Accomplished"

Hears Something Outside

"A Intruder!"
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 14:02 (2 Years ago)
Seeing that his job was now done there, Foxglove dipped out and started going in the direction he was going to last time, before he got distracted by them yelling.
❤ Certified G1 Hot Rod Enjoyer & IDW Rodimus Hater ❤

Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 473
Posted: Fri, 11/11/2022 14:04 (2 Years ago)
Athena had already gotten in, and was watching Time as he sorted through his missions. Huh, he'd finally grown a brain and realized she was here. No point wasting her time staying hidden then. Walking out loudly, sword in hand, shoes clicking on the floor, she smiled sweetly at his astonished expression. "Missed me?"
Hush dear,

Let me tell you a secret,

The real monsters don't look like monsters~