Forum Thread
Those Who Carried On
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Those Who Carried On
You know the first rule in combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.

You know the first rule in combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.

You know the first rule in combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.
"Hey. I need info on Kendo Sato. What do you mean, which one, there is only one. He's not as volatile or insane as we are."
The response was loud enough for Kendo to hear, even though the phone was not on speaker.
"Insane as you are. We all have issues in our own timelines, yet you are by far the worst one we have had to deal with. I don't know what twisted things are in your timeline but godspeed to whoever is in that wretched place that they endure you like that. Please. Next time, don't call. Just fax.
Iteral sighs in defeat, waving Kendo off a bit. "D-Don't worry, I hear that a lot from her. Foyer-Iteral is a bit of a... hot head sometimes. More so than me." She laughs very awkwardly, taking out a paper from a printer. "Here... says you were in a relation with a Saint in about seven-thousand years from now. I also exist there but..." She keeps that part vague. "... ahem. Anyway, it says you were just leaping in timelines by accident and ended up there some time later. Which is why you remember things like the French Revolution despite that timeline not having France."

You know the first rule in combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.

You know the first rule in combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.
Or is it
You decide.

You know the first rule in combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.
"Do you ever recall your Iteral changing apperances? You know, growing a reptile tail, suddenly having feathers, or becoming plastic?"

You know the first rule in combat? Shoot them before they shoot you.