Forum Thread
Sinnoh Poke Buyers!
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Sinnoh Poke Buyers!Hey! If you wanna sell your extra Sinnoh Pokemon, then this is the right place!


1. All Pokeheroes rules apply.
2. I have a life too - don't expect a reply straight away.
3. Unnecessary messages like "Hi" or "Ok" are forbidden as I do not want the shop cluttered. Keep those messages to PMs.
4. Being rude is a huge no.
5. I have the right to decline your offer
6. If I have blocked you, you are BANNED
7. Follow the form!
8. Wait for approval. I send the trade.
2. I have a life too - don't expect a reply straight away.
3. Unnecessary messages like "Hi" or "Ok" are forbidden as I do not want the shop cluttered. Keep those messages to PMs.
4. Being rude is a huge no.
5. I have the right to decline your offer
6. If I have blocked you, you are BANNED
7. Follow the form!
8. Wait for approval. I send the trade.
♛『How much I'll pay』♛

Normal Pokes → I pay 500 PD 
#485 Heatran → I pay 30k
#486 Regigigas → I pay 70k
#487 Giratina → I pay 50k

#485 Heatran → I pay 30k

#486 Regigigas → I pay 70k

#487 Giratina → I pay 50k

♛『My Missing Pokes』♛

#390 Chimchar
#401 Kricketot
#412 Burmy (Sandy)
#412 Burmy (Trash)
#425 Drifloon
#430 Honchkrow
#438 Bonsly
#462 Magnezone
#466 Electivire
#468 Togekiss
#472 Gliscor
#474 Porygon-Z
#475 Gallade
#477 Dusknoir
#478 Froslass
#479 (4) Rotom
#487 (2) Giratina
#490 Manaphy
Pokemon with Brackets and a number represent how many of the Pokemon I need.
#401 Kricketot
#412 Burmy (Sandy)
#412 Burmy (Trash)
#425 Drifloon
#430 Honchkrow
#438 Bonsly
#462 Magnezone
#466 Electivire
#468 Togekiss
#472 Gliscor
#474 Porygon-Z
#475 Gallade
#477 Dusknoir
#478 Froslass
#479 (4) Rotom
#487 (2) Giratina
#490 Manaphy
Pokemon with Brackets and a number represent how many of the Pokemon I need.
♛『The Form』♛

[b]Pokemon I want to sell:[/b]
[b]Pokemon I want to sell:[/b]
Name: SH1NYM
Pokemon I want to sell: Regigigas
Other: Good luck!
(note to self)

Pokemon I want to sell: Burmy (Sandy) and Dusknoir
Other: Dusknoir is currently Dusclops holding the trade evo item