Forum Thread
1v1with pika
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → 1v1with pika"Ok then." Hunter said, following.
"I'll be slow...." Felcor sighed, following as well.
"Lead on then." Dalran follwed.

"Leave them out of this. We are just here to find howling. So just let us inside" silverclaws fur had gotten darker again his silver markings appearing
"Isnt someone a bit impa-"
"Thats enough from both of you you shouldn't be treating newcomers like that. He welcomed back" blackscars voice came from nearby and he soon appeared into view the two wolves bowed to him. Blackscars markings started glowing "though you know my rules silverclaw"
Silverclaw growled a bit annyed. "Im not going to follow your freaking rule"
"You have no choice in the matter and you know it" blackscars marking were glowing brighter much like in the forest tribe
Silverclaws markings started glowing as well at which point he soon colapsed
(Extra long post but with pika brb i was like why not get this out of the way. . Hi darkclaw or whatever the fudge i decide to callyou. )
Dalran seemed very agitated. "Two guardians you say? I only know one. Now then, what did you do? I demand an answer!" He shouted.
Felcor was nearby, with his left hand on the hilt of his blade.
Hunter was hiding behind Cyan. "Eep..."

"Thats enough... your not getting anywhere with your words." Felcor said, having stopped Dalran.
Nameless stretched and calmly walked over to them all. "Wow... dark crowd here... hi?" He said.

Silver claw had started to move again soon after blacksvsdfA
"Ah i guess. Its really just a place for training as i said. And a safe place for wolves away from the outside where they are hated by all humans. Even if we may have some extreame rules "
Cyan just stared for a momment before snapping out of it "i think we should follow them. If he is telling the truth it might be best"
They had reached the entrance gate to the village which was imidiatly