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The Purge - Roleplay

Forum-Index Roleplay The Purge - Roleplay
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Thu, 19/05/2022 20:57 (2 Years ago)
Yukimore laughed, as she wasn't giving it her all. She thought Rei was quite weak, so she went easily on her. Hopefully this made Rei think Yuki was weak, so Yukimore can pull off and old trick she has done in the past. But that didn't matter right now.

Yukimore looked at her out-reached hand. "I'm not a dumbass. Just because I teamed up with you doesn't mean I'll trust you completely yet. I have to get to know you first. Who are you?" Yukimore scolded, still keeping the chainsaw close, but not as close as it was before, giving Rei a moment to speak, as she wasn't really uncomfortable with, but she let it slide... for now.
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Fri, 20/05/2022 04:14 (2 Years ago)
By this point, her neck had been healed enough that she could speak clearly, albeit painfully. She carefully studied Yukimore, as this was the first time she could actually get a good look at her. Pulling back her hand, Rei frowned and gave her a disappointed look, still ignoring literally everything more important than useless conversation. "Aww, you left me hanging! What a jerk..." She muttered that last sentence under her breath, crossing her arms and turning her head away, pouting as usual. Rei sighed after what Yukimore had said, closing her eyes and smiling. She lifted her hands and shrugged, looking back at the one in front of her. "What makes you think that I think that?" A brief laugh was let out from Rei, amused by her oddly worded statement, but she then continued. "Who, me? I'm just some random nobody who lives in the corner of the city, like every other person who values peace and quiet. The name's Rei, and I care more about my health than your name so..." She slowly moved her eyes, as well as her fingers over in the direction of the hospital, signalling that she was wanting to head over.

Rei didn't care to wait for Yukimore's response, so she cautiously walked around the chainsaw and begun the long and painful walk, clasping her hands behind her back while doing so. The purple-haired girl tried to seem nonchalant with her walking pattern, but her injurious made it insufferable. A few steps in, Rei started to whistle a slow tune. It had a melancholy feel to it, which was unusual for someone who constantly appeared to be cheerful and joyful. Of course, the 'cheerful and playful' was just some sick act that left blood on her hands, but it was still a more positive attitude nonetheless. She stopped walking when the short song ended, kicking up her foot and spinning around, staring at Yukimore. "You comin'? It would be such a shame if you died from such a weak attack like that!" She mocked, taking advantage of the fact that Yukimore had found Rei weak. She had figured it out early on, her words, her attitude, it was quite obvious really. It wasn't like she cared though, she didn't usually focus on trying to be stronger than others. A quick giggle was let out before Rei spun around again and continued onward.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Fri, 20/05/2022 07:48 (2 Years ago)
Yukimore hasn't quite seen an attitude like hers, as Rei seemed more playful and childish rather than violent, almost like herself. Yukimore shrugged it off and just sighed. "Don't worry, I'm coming." She mumbled under her breath as she followed Rei around, watching her cautiously, never afraid to attack whoever stands in her, or their way. She looked at the chaotic mess around her. The plaque just seemed like all hell broke lose to be honest. People killing each other with no motive, burning houses down with no care, whatever people do. But Yukimore loved the plaque, as she could murder whenever she pleased without the stupid FBI. Not like they could catch her. Anyway, Yukimore just followed Rei wherever she went. "So, where are we going first?"
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2022 05:00 (2 Years ago)
Upon hearing the question Yukimore had asked, Rei paused and stood silently for a moment, not yet turning back to face the one behind her. She thought for a bit, raising her finger to her mouth and turning her gaze to the sky above. "Hmmm... Mayyyybe we could go to the hospital? I'll give you a free band-aid to fix that boo-boo of yours if you come!" The voice that spoke these words was still a little hoarse, but not enough to mask the very clear and playful tone. Rei whipped her head to face Yukimore, winking back at her before giggling. Not even a second later, the cheery, purple-haired girl held out her arms and begun to sway side to side across the sidewalk as she moved ever so slowly towards the hospital. The pain in her legs was absolutely unbearable, it was just getting too much, even for Rei. She was doing a very good job at hiding her pain, but the limp in her steps and her clumsiness just made it painfully obvious. At this point, she was becoming sluggish and slow. It felt as if a long, sharp metal spear was being jabbed upwards into her leg from her heel, only digging in deeper with every step she took. Sweat dripped from Rei's face and her stumbling became more and more obvious, but she continued. Her vision was starting to blur, colors dulling and blending together to create an oddly beautiful artwork right in front of her eyes.

At this point, Rei knew she couldn't take anymore. She could try and ignore it as best as she could, but the human body wasn't designed for this amount of pain. It was a miracle that she was still walking when her leg was almost torn off, really. She let out a deep sigh and slowly turned around, almost falling as she switched to walking backwards. A haunting smile appeared on her face as she pulled out a small device from her pockets, waving it around as she laughed the best she could, blood dripping from the side of her mouth. With the weight of inevitable doom looming over her, she gave her last words before slipping into unconsciousness, right on the pavement. "Whoopsee, looks like my time is up... So, you wanna have some fun? Alrighty then... Let the games begin." After saying the ominous sentence, the buttons on Rei's little device were pressed, and explosions begun to quake the earth. Buildings before the two crumbled, and they continued to do so as far as the eye could see. The immense sound of these loud explosions filled the air, and the dust scattered everywhere, no one was safe from the dangers Rei had single-handedly caused. Smoke rose to the heavens, and the girl who did it all had no doubt that souls of the ones she had killed followed afterwards. A laugh echoed through the empty streets, drowned out by the crumbling of concrete and metal, blood dripping from the mouth of the one who let it out. Rei was glad she got to see this wonderous sight, because who knows, this could be her last purge. The scenery was beautiful, the destruction and screams were all just so... surreal... Rei smiled before her body finally gave out, and she fell unconscious in the midst of the chaos.