Forum Thread
Nerds United
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Nerds UnitedSo, my friend FlaaffyQueen and I had a conversation and decided to open a club. This club is about nerds. So everyone who is a nerd can enter. It is not bad to be a nerd. So, I won't post many rules. Just don't double post, be good with others and don't spam. If you are not a member please don't post if your post doesn't contains the form. So, the form is:
[b][size=14]I am a nerd![/b][/size]
[color=green]How old are you? (Optional):[/color]
[color=blue]Why you want to enter this club?:[/color]
[color=orange]Which is your favorite subjects?: (Max. 4)[/color]
[color=green]How old are you? (Optional):[/color]
[color=blue]Why you want to enter this club?:[/color]
[color=orange]Which is your favorite subjects?: (Max. 4)[/color]
Note: If you don't want to tell your age, then you can say "Secret".
Members list:

Global Moderator: noammac (11, Physics, Chemics, Coding)
FlaaffyQueen (12, Maths, Art, Music)
webkinz78620 (14, Maths, Language Arts, Social Studies)
DarkeLeafDragon (20, Literature, Science, History)
SteelTheSeal (10, Science, Reading, Social Studies)
curiousangel (14, Maths, Chemistry, History)
DragonSumedh (18, Science, History)
laurettacm (16, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Geography)
amadea (13, Science, English, Music)
thundersparks (11, English, Math, Music, Science)
BZack (Secret Age, Science, Legend Mythical, Language)
Azada (13, Science, History)
Senpai (21, Maths, Art, Coding)
ShinyYveltal (13, Chemistry, Biology, Geography)
Sylvia (11, Maths)
Vriska_Serket (11, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Mechanics)
allicat11 (11, Art)
Talha (13, History, Maths)
WhiteAndBlack2 (15, History, Maths, Art)
Nabyto (9, Maths, Art, Environmental Studies)
Sylveon (15, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography)
Mega_Charmander (10, Home Economics, P.E, English, Music)
Nyan-Otaku (13, Art, Music, Japanese, English)
If you see your old username here, then I tell me your new.
Title: Nerds
Username: Webkinz78620
How old are you? (Optional):14
Why you want to enter this club?:I am a nerd ask anyone pluz im not in a club lol
Which is your favorite subjects?: (Max. 4) math La (language arts) writting SS (Social Studies)
How old are you? (Optional):14 starting today
Why you want to enter this club?:I've been told by many friends im a nerd and I love to read books, plus it seems like fun!
Which is your favorite subjects?: (Max. 4) Math, Chemistry, History
How old are you? (Optional):17 (I will be tommorow 8th is my birthday)
Why you want to enter this club?:Cuz I am nerd and wanna meet scholars
Which is your favorite subjects?: Science and History (Max. 4)
How old are you? (Optional):11 and a half
Why you want to enter this club?:because im a nerd, i love coding, books, star wars and doctor who, physics and more...
Which is your favorite subjects?: physics, coding, chemics,(Max. 4)
Username: aschluke
How old are you? (Optional): 10 (Surprise!)
Why you want to enter this club?: Because it luks interesting. (JK xD). I am joining this club because i am bored and have nothing else to do. I am also joining this club because i am a nerd (if you mean a nerd is aguy who is very smart and wears glasses and knows what children his age shouldn't know, both in sexual and educative ways (read my age xD) then yes, i am a nerd)
Which is your favorite subjects?: (Max. 4) Soical Studies, Science and Maths
Reason: The "subjects" you posted are not subject. They are games. You have one more try to fill the form right.
Reason: The "subjects" you posted are not subject. They are games. You have one more try to fill the form right.
Reason: Didn't fill the right form and didn't post age or secret age.
Remember, when you have birthday or change favorite subject just PM me.
(Dragon, I will add you as 18.)
Also, please do not put sports. They are not subjects.