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Help the new player guide
Forum-Index → Discussion → Help the new player guideFor you, what are the things to do daily? How make money ? How make shinies etc...
If you have any suggestions feel free to add your experience.
Thanks a lot, a new player who wants to be the very best ^^
Things to do daily:

> Log in. The cumulative
daily login rewards are a nice little bonus in the long run.
> Retrieve and resend your rumblers. After you get some Explorer Bags, there's no fee to start rumbling missions so there's no reason to not do so as it's a steady source of extra income in form of PD and items.
> Redeem DP rewards at the Dream World Shop. This is something you should actually do multiple times a day to get the hourly rewards. Many of the tasks are rather easy and quick. The DP will come in handy as sending out plushies gives you gems.
> Pick up your honey and milk. There's no cost to producing honey after you've got your combees. Since producing milk does have a cost in the form of berries, it's all the more important to pick the milk up so a part of your investment doesn't go to waste (there's a max number of milks that can stack in the ranch).
>> Also check the Honeytree regularly if you slap honey on it.
> Use your free energy to do some fishing at the Beach if you so desire. It can be helpful in filling some of your dex and getting some items early on.
> Do some gardening and cooking if you feel like it. After you transfer some berries into your Berry Bag, there's no cost to gardening. The grown berries can then be cooked into things to exchange at the Bulletin Board or sell at the Item Market, which can be a somewhat useful source of extra income if you're in need of currency.
> Redeem your free lottery ticket. The first one is free and quick to get. Most likely, you'll just occasionally get some extra game chips, but hey, it's free.
>> Also spin the Wheel of Fortune if you feel like it.
> Retrieve and resend your rumblers. After you get some Explorer Bags, there's no fee to start rumbling missions so there's no reason to not do so as it's a steady source of extra income in form of PD and items.
> Redeem DP rewards at the Dream World Shop. This is something you should actually do multiple times a day to get the hourly rewards. Many of the tasks are rather easy and quick. The DP will come in handy as sending out plushies gives you gems.
> Pick up your honey and milk. There's no cost to producing honey after you've got your combees. Since producing milk does have a cost in the form of berries, it's all the more important to pick the milk up so a part of your investment doesn't go to waste (there's a max number of milks that can stack in the ranch).
>> Also check the Honeytree regularly if you slap honey on it.
> Use your free energy to do some fishing at the Beach if you so desire. It can be helpful in filling some of your dex and getting some items early on.
> Do some gardening and cooking if you feel like it. After you transfer some berries into your Berry Bag, there's no cost to gardening. The grown berries can then be cooked into things to exchange at the Bulletin Board or sell at the Item Market, which can be a somewhat useful source of extra income if you're in need of currency.
> Redeem your free lottery ticket. The first one is free and quick to get. Most likely, you'll just occasionally get some extra game chips, but hey, it's free.
>> Also spin the Wheel of Fortune if you feel like it.
Making money:

> Buy the Amulet Coin from the
Shop as soon as possible. It doubles the PD from
interacting and is therefore a worthy investment, the earlier the
> Interact. A no-brainer steady source of income. When you interact, also remember to pick up your hourly rewards at the Dream World Shop. As mentioned above, sending plushies gives you gems and gems are easily sold for some extra PD.
> Sell other stuff too. Aside from gems, boxes and keys (that you can get from rumbling or fishing) for example are a source of a good extra buck if you don't wanna gamble and try to get high value items by opening them yourself.
> Do the suggested daily activities. As I mentioned, rumbling, and the Berrygarden for example can bring you a bit of extra income if you can be bothered with them.
> Interact. A no-brainer steady source of income. When you interact, also remember to pick up your hourly rewards at the Dream World Shop. As mentioned above, sending plushies gives you gems and gems are easily sold for some extra PD.
> Sell other stuff too. Aside from gems, boxes and keys (that you can get from rumbling or fishing) for example are a source of a good extra buck if you don't wanna gamble and try to get high value items by opening them yourself.
> Do the suggested daily activities. As I mentioned, rumbling, and the Berrygarden for example can bring you a bit of extra income if you can be bothered with them.
Shiny hunting:

> Don't expect to get to shiny
hunting right away as the initial cost can be quite a bit as
you need to buy the Pokeradar and also batteries for it if you're
not a premium users (which most new users probably aren't).
>> In addition to the Pokeradar, you might also want to pick up the Egg Radar and the needed chip for the rarity of pokemon you're planning to hunt. It allows you to potentially get more eggs from the Tall Grass, making you less reliant on the whims of the Daycare.
>> You can also use gems to buy more eggs from the Gem Collector, but whether that's wise depends on the pokemon you're hunting. (For example, you probably don't wanna exchange your valuable dragon, fairy, or bug gems for mere eggs.) Regardless, your gems might be better used for income rather than speeding up your shiny hunts depending on your situation.
> If you're planning on making money by selling the shiny, you should carefully consider what to hunt if you're not a premium user. Due to the cost of Pokeradar batteries, the Daycare, and possibly gems, the value of the shiny might not even cover the costs of the hunt as non-premium users can only get one shiny per hunt.
>> The Market Insider is a useful tool in checking which pokemon is worth it to hunt. As you can see, a shiny magikarp's value (9,500) is far below the cost of pokeradar batteries (50k). You can check other pokemon by replacing "magikarp" with your desired pokemon in the address bar.
>> In addition to the Pokeradar, you might also want to pick up the Egg Radar and the needed chip for the rarity of pokemon you're planning to hunt. It allows you to potentially get more eggs from the Tall Grass, making you less reliant on the whims of the Daycare.
>> You can also use gems to buy more eggs from the Gem Collector, but whether that's wise depends on the pokemon you're hunting. (For example, you probably don't wanna exchange your valuable dragon, fairy, or bug gems for mere eggs.) Regardless, your gems might be better used for income rather than speeding up your shiny hunts depending on your situation.
> If you're planning on making money by selling the shiny, you should carefully consider what to hunt if you're not a premium user. Due to the cost of Pokeradar batteries, the Daycare, and possibly gems, the value of the shiny might not even cover the costs of the hunt as non-premium users can only get one shiny per hunt.
>> The Market Insider is a useful tool in checking which pokemon is worth it to hunt. As you can see, a shiny magikarp's value (9,500) is far below the cost of pokeradar batteries (50k). You can check other pokemon by replacing "magikarp" with your desired pokemon in the address bar.
However, the battling mechanics on PH are very simplified and, as far as I'm aware, not many users engage in battling that actively. Therefore, it's not really something a new user should prioritize buying. Unless you really wanna try out battling of course.