Forum Thread
Vampka's mess
Forum-Index → Diaries → Vampka's messFirst thing first. Some infoes about me.
Name: wordwide known as Vampka. seriously, if you google this name, most of the results are going to be me. My name is Julia in real life, you can call me like that too
Age: I'm considered old here, I can tell. I'm older than 20, and that's all you need to know...
Country: Hungary
Timezone: add 2 hours to the server time
Hobbies: my dog, reading, writing, drawing, movies and tv shows (don't ask my favorites, there's too many), doing stuff seemingly without any reason because I'm pretty unstable and I love to confuse people, yeah, sometimes I can be really mean, don't test me, just don't. But I love to make raffles, seriously, I love them. And I like to play with Photoshop, that's important. And music, I love music too, I play two instruments well and three not too well =D
Personality: I'm trying to be nice and helpful and I can be incredibly happy when I meet with other nice and friendly people, they are so rare... Otherwise I'm known as a strict, stubborn, a little bit cold person full of sarcasm 'cause I see the world as a very dark place, and nice people are the only lights in it. Because it is a very dark place. I'm not the fan of the humans but sometimes they can truly amaze me. I love to stare at the stars or in the fire. I love the silence and the cold, windy weather and I hate summer. I like to think about things in general and discuss interesting topics. I believe in gods and fate but I believe that everything we have and everything that happens to us is only up to ourselves. Kharma is a b*tch but it exists, so be careful. Yeah, and I swear a lot. =X And I love lists. A list is always helpful. And I hate to sleep. Sleeping is a waste of time, totally. But I love to dream. No one understands the way I work, not even me. Tragic. The most annoying fact of my life that I can't find a female fictional character I could compare to myself. But I guess that's enough of me. Lets see some one-word-descriptions. Zodiac? Taurean with Scorpio ascendant. Goat with Dog ascendant. Anubis. Personality type? INTJ, 8w7. Others: Brunette-redhead. Tall. Diabetic. Artistic. Dramatic. Determined. Kind. Hopeful. Trustful. Doubtful. Realist. Thinker. Logical. Coldheaded. Worker. With the words of fandoms... Slytherin. Dauntless. Targaryen-Lannister lovechild. Daughter of Zeus. Firebender.
About Pokémon: honestly? Never played and never read. When I was a kid I loved the anime and collected cards, but that's all I can say. I still love it, right now I rewatch the anime and play here, but sometimes I really don't know what I'm doing. ^^"
Favorite type: I'm the kind of person who has no favorites. Everything has its good and bad side, but bug types are kinda interesting. And dragons, they look so powerful. :3 But I wouldn't say that I don't like the others as well.
You're always welcome to test me at my gym and win the Amethyst Badge. :3 I won't give it to you easily, just sayin'. =P Right now it's closed, I want to get my darling pumped up on high levels so they can stand a chance to win. :3 (Bugs are not the strongest types, sadly.)
Current projects:
50/50 electric gems
50/50 psychic gems
50/50 ice gems
50/50 fairy gems
50/50 dragon gems
# Fill my pokédex. I never stop searching, feel free to offer!
# Hatch - or buy - mega able pokes. I already hatched three mega, a kangaskhan, an ampharos and a charizard Y, and I bought a gyrados. My darlings. :3
# Get new storage boxes. Huh, I need a lot of boxes for trading, breeding, battles and the simple boxes for the different rarities. And it costs a lot. I mean a lot. Gotta get some money asap.
Okay, well... I guess that it's all for now. Please don't post in this topic anything, but I'm always here to help people so if you have any questions about anything, just ask in PM or palpad and I will try to help you. :3
Last edit: 7th november
Legendaries, mega-ables, shinies... There are many rare pokémon on PokéHeroes. My goal is to get as much of them as I can. :3
As a Christmas-gift from Csoxi :3
Since it's battle time on PH, slowly I start to figure out how it works. Here you can see the Gyms I defeated. Click on the badges to visit the Gym. I've never ever played battles before on other sites or games so let me be proud of myself when I

Thank you for the help and kindness and support, some of you were so amazingly generous, I can't begin to say how thankful I am! *-*
Thanks to you, I have the 10th Zygarde, and it was a very hard work. Thousands of gems, hundreds of tunnellevels and golden slots, a lot of treasure and mystery boxes, money and time was spent just to reach this goal, and I am incredibly happy and relieved now.
Anyone who helped me can tell to the others that they helped with gems, money or kindness to get the last Zygarde from Kalos!
The people who helped with selling, trading or giving gems:

Dragoniss, my personal dragonhunter
pradeepmittal2, the best businesspartner ^^
Shaunfrost, the most generous giver *-*
pradeepmittal2, the best businesspartner ^^
Shaunfrost, the most generous giver *-*
You all can say that you are true helpers. I consider you all as the members of my nonexistent hunting team and I offer you to put out one of these little badges. If you want to, you can link the Zygarde to it, showing everyone that yes, you were involved to catch this certain Zygarde, the last of it's kind

or something like that...
I love to mess around with Photoshop and I spend a lot of time with editing pictures. You can find me on many graphic forums like Caution to the wind, Shine or A thousand fireflies. I'm also an RP player but only on hungarian sites, I am and was a staff member on more invisionfree and jcink forums, and I made graphics many times for myself, for fun. I'm always up to learn from the bests and challenge myself. :3 So this post will be filled with my "arts".
Here you can see the sprites, made by me, obviously. : D
Yeah, I've never tried to play with pixels so this is the first time I do something like that. They are mostly random, I practice until one day I'll might be able to be a spriter. Okay, I'm kidding, I just really love to mess around with graphics.

This section is for anything I could not put in other categories above. :'D
I want to make badges. A lot of badges, at first about the (graphically) best legendaries. The Kalos legendary trio looks pretty cool with their X-Y-Z shapes and their colors, so they were my first choices. I don't really know what these badges can be used for but I love to play with Photoshop so I made them. Anyone can use them, I only ask you not to claim these your owns and I would be incredibly happy if you would tell others that Vampka was the one who made them. :3

because I love to give
Yes, I do. I love to give, I love to play, I love to see people get excited, so I often organize these thingies. :3 I had several raffles before this post, I'll link them later (since I always create pictures about them. I love Photoshop. :3)
This wasn't my first raffle, but the first that I wanted to "administrate". I was prepared to give away a lot of things, mostly fossils but you can see the whole list and the rules if you click here. The point was to train my bug pokes so they could be much stronger when I re-open my gym since I don't want to use autolevel in the future.
The winners were: no one. I offered a lot of things and very few people wanted to be in it. Maybe next time.
I started a shiny hunt, hoping that one of the hatched eggs will be a mega-able. Until then, after many days I decided to begin this game. On the 3rd october I started this hashtag game. The prizes were 15k pd for the two closest, and one dragon gem for the person who guesses right. People had to guess when my shiny will hatch. 4 days later my shiny hatched, chain 136.
PureEvil666 said 135, and it was so close that I decided to give him the gem.
Misue said 133, Rap07s said 131, they got the 15.000 pd. Congratz to everyone! ^^
Oh, yeah, I have a gym. Bug-specified, so I don't think it's hard to beat me but I'm trying. :3 Therefore I need a lot of training, so do my darlings down there.
These are the bugs I use in battles. Please click on the training button and help them get stronger. ^^ (And if you want to battle, just PM me.)
Of course sometimes I challenge others, or I simply battle for fun. I have favorites, and my best team member is obviously my loyal starter, Balerion. I'm not saying that I always use him for battles, but... I often do.