Koda hissed noisily. "Iie! Gomennasai ga iie! Iie!!" Koda
snapped, raising a hand as though she's going to hit it. Her
expression shifted several times before she lowered her hand
(Translate it if you can. If anyone can do it without google clap
Monokuma grinned. "I'm glad you aren't planning on missing the
whole festival," it continued, oblivious to the developing rage on
her face. "It's really a fun affair! You'd regret it otherwise!"
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
Koda curled her lip slowly. "I have no interest in what you
consider fun. I never asked to come to this place. Why should I
participate; it's not like I signed up!" Koda narrowed her eyes.
"Go away weirdo!" She growled finally, looking away and crossing
her arms. Very menacing insult. - Shut up.
"Puhuhuhu~ if you insist." His smile widened. "I'm positive your
good friend Suko Nobu shares your convictions- bear well toodles"
and in one breath he popped out of sight.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
Wait... Did I just?
The realization suddenly hit her that she said it aloud. But... She
knew... Didn't she?
"You're welcome, Megami," she murmured, as steadily as she could,
her heart pounding. There was no need to be so embarrassed... This
was Megami!! This was Megami....
She waited for the music to start up again... Wonder how the
rest of the festival's getting on, she pondered, none too
eagerly... Nothing would happen. Nothing could go wrong.
Suzume smiled at Megami. If only things were as perfect as
they seemed right now... "I better go check how the other
activities are coming along, maybe get someone to play Musical
Chairs. Your playing is... exceptional, Nutmeg." She kissed her on
the cheek, and then darted off before she could start thinking
about how ginormously awkward that was.
Maybe we'll get out of here. But what then?
Potential images flashed through her mind. Images of two young,
talented women, going to a cafe together. One of them spitting out
her coffee and laughing at how unexpectedly bad the taste was. The
strumming of a guitar as one of the pair watched and scribbled down
notes on a pad, analyzing and appreciating every tune that came
out. Introducing each other to their different loves of literature,
one discovering the joys of fiction, the other the fascination of
certain non-fiction.
Looking up at the stars and thinking about the universe, and how it
may have aligned so that they might spend this night together.
Watching the sun rising in the morning, and then wondering why the
heck they both stayed up so late. Making up a coded language and
guessing what the other was saying, sometimes failing miserably.
Coming home from work each day to each other.
Making plans on how to improve the house together. Adopting a pet
dog, maybe a pet lizard. Going to art museums, to concerts. Having
those deep conversations and grasping each others’ hands, looking
into the other’s eyes…
Saying vows together, planning for the future… laughing, smiling,
Even if we could get out of here…
You have to tell her eventually.
That future might never be…
Then, she got drawn out of her distractive thoughts. She saw
Hisoka, Majikaruman, Niwa. “...”
She found herself looking mostly at Hisoka. But she couldn’t talk
to him, not here, not now. Suzume Fujimori crossed her arms
tightly, a worn expression upon her face.
“So, darts. How’s that going? Would any of you happen to be
interested in Musical Chairs?” She was, in all honesty, curious
about this game. Plus, there were more pressing measures. Talking
to Hisoka, preventing another murder from being committed…
Is there even any point to that? Is there any way out of this
"Someone threw a knife at the dartboard, so darts is canceled. It's
a shame considering how many Monokuma Lingerie ads we had to suffer
through to get that thing."
Koda slipped out of her room, a frown etched on her face.
Fasciation wove through her. Yet Koda stuck to the shadows,
avoiding as much contact as she could. She could see so many...
people? Monokumas? Koda wandered, an awkward grimace fixed on her
"I see. It's just, Megami and I need players for Musical
Chairs. Can't just do it ourselves, you know. Jewelry making...
that's interesting."
I wonder if someone could be poisoned or stabbed with those?
she couldn't help but think about it. Plus, some minerals could be
toxic. Like gold, for example...
"It's a shame we can't just repair the dart board. Would you happen
to know anyone who might be interested in playing Musical Chairs?"
She did the Thinking Face emoji basically, in terms of hand
placement and facial expression. "I can see you're both rather busy
There was a fortune telling stand. The monokuma behind it smiled
unpleasantly at Koda and gave a little wave.
"We would!" Niwa pounced before Hisoka could. "Me and Keiki- er,
Keiki and I! Yeah, grammar- we'd both love to attend-" he blanched
a bit. "With other people, obviously," he added.
Hisoka turned to Maji. "What do you think?" He asked. "You could
go. I'll watch over the stand." Far, far away from these
obxnoxious peasants, his face seemed to say.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
Suzume raised her eyebrows at the purple-haired boy that
she hadn't had many character interactions with. "Oh, of course.
You two and some others can join! And maybe--" she hesitated,
"Majikaruman as well. Yes, that would be great."
Is Hisoka avoiding me? Why am I not surprised.
Her hands and arms spread in and out emphatically as she spoke.
"You have to hear Megami's playing! It's, breathtaking! It's-
extraordinary! It's... ahem. She's very talented." She cleared her
throat, fist over her mouth, containing herself.
Koda grimaced and tugged her arm away. "Fluffff.." She murmured,
and proceeded to flit away. She found herself infront of the
fortune telling Monokuma. "Fine yes hi. What do you WANT for the
moons' sake." Koda snapped at it.
"Sit, my child," the monokuma waved with its paw. "I will tell you
your puhutiful fortune. If you lay out your hand." It smiled
through its ten-inch veil.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature