Forum Thread
🌻300PD mons🌻 [CLOSED]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → 🌻300PD mons🌻 [CLOSED]*Edited*
Box: #1
Pokemon: Swasbuck (Autumn)
Box: #15
Pokemon: Solgaleo
Box: #21
Pokemon: Lunala
Box: #31
Pokemon: Uxie, Mesprit, Frufrou, Tsareena
Anything Else?: No (I also don't want everstones on any mons) ((Thank you sm for selling!))
This is the edited version of my order, thank you! (Also, if you could calculate the cost this time, that would be great!)
The anniversary mons: 10k
Uxie/azelf/mesprit: 10k
Solgaleo/lunala: 10k
Mewtwo: you need kanto dex. 5k
Arceus: you need sinnoh dex. 5k
Dark ponyta: 20k
Shadows are nope
Solar eevee probably 50k
You can edit your post which you want
#sell 2 blastoise wartortle nidorino
#sell 3 seadra x2 aerodactyl
#sell 4 bulbasaur
#sell 6 rattata
How much would all of this cost
Want some quick pd or some cheap mone visit our pawn shop Pawn Heroes
Also I added this to the rules coz yall dont ever read:
Edit: I'm gonna start rolling out warnings and bans since the admins and mods aren't doing anything, I'll do my own ways.
Pokémon: Lanturn
Box#: 8
Pokémon: Xatu
Bix#: 9
Pokémon: Murkrow, Dunsparce, Girafarig, Granbull, Sneasal, Magcargo, Corsola, Donphan
Pokémon: Qwilfish
Pokémon: Sudowodo, Misdreaveous, Gligar
Pokémon: Tyranitar, Smeargle
Pokémon: Mantine
Pokemon: Azumarill
Pokémon: Skarmory
Pokémon: Aipom, Pineco, Slugma, Flaffy
Pokémon: Larvitar, Swinub
Pokémon: Teddiursa, Houndour
Pokémon: Hoppip, Quilawa, Yanma
Limit is 30 but I want some extra mons'
Pokémon: Unown A, D, G, H, I, J, K, O, U, V, W, Z, !, ?
Multiple rule breakers will result warnings and blocks. Which means you can no longer asks for my mons.
Plz read the rules properly.. geez.
Pokémon: charmander chameleon geodude kadabra electrode cloyster
Pokémon: blastoise wartortle nidorino
Pokémon: seadra x2 aerodactyl
Pokémon: bulbasaur
Want some quick pd or some cheap mone visit our pawn shop Pawn Heroes
Pokemon: Female Zoroark
Box#: 2
Pokemon: Male + Female Skiddo
Box#: 3
Pokemon: Female Delphox
Box#: 4
Pokemon: Male Bulbasaur, Woobat
Box#: 5
Pokemon: Male + Female Tropius, Munchlax, Pyroar
Box#: 6
Pokemon: Oricorio (Sensu Style), Barbaracle, Galvantula, Hariyama
Anything else? And don't calculate, I will: May I ask how many Pokémon you have per box? I’m quite curious
Edit: 1K per box— Great Arceus that’s a whole lot-