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A Pumpkin's Diary...

Forum-Index Diaries A Pumpkin's Diary...
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 107
Posted: Sun, 24/10/2021 23:38 (2 Years ago)
October 24, 2021

Hello diary! Today, I'm making this diary since I saw so many people make one!

I didn't really do much today. I drew a sketch for my best friend, and I think she really likes it! ^w^ I'll be finishing it tomorrow since I don't have enough time for today... I finished my homework for school tomorrow, and the day after that, I'll be having a test, so wish me luck! :) I got some eggs from daycare, and two of them are still unhatched, so I hope at least one of them is a shiny! My pet fish's tank was also BOILING to me, but maybe that's because my hand is cold... I'm not sure, but he's alive today! This is the first time I took care of a pet fish myself before, so I'm surprised it survived this long! I watched a LOT of youtube today, and I don't think that's a good thing.. ;w; Today, the notifications came back... when I looked at my tabs, all I saw was notifications TwT I got rid of them all, but I know their gonna be back soon!

I don't really have anything else to say, and it's becoming night-time soon, so I guess that's all! Good night diary! ^w^
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 107
Posted: Mon, 25/10/2021 22:02 (2 Years ago)
October 25, 2021

Hi! I'm back diary! ^w^

Today I had to wait 30 mins for my dad to pick me up because he had work to do- ;w; but other than that, my day was great! I made a new friend today, and also got a phone! My fish hates me again because I had to change his water... but I think he forgives me now since I gave him so many treats today!

Wait... did I forget to do my homework... oops- well that's all diary, sorry that it's short, but byee ^w^