I sighed and pulled Isla away before rushing over to Frederick.
Please work, please work. I place a hand on his back and
tried the healing I did with Poochyena.
I felt the electricity moving in his body, focusing on how it
moved. "His heart was pierced by a small broken piece of rib. I
should be able to..." I did some electricity manipulation and
sighed when he started breathing again.
"Hey, i'm the one who tried to specifically hurt them as little as
possible! In case you didn't notice, I wasn't the one who slammed a
ball of pure energy into his spine and caused the bone to pierce
the heart! I was the one who tried to stop it, and I even healed
it! If you don't want my help, then i'm leaving!" With that I
bolted out, tears springing in my eyes.
Alright, *unfolds his arms*I have decided to go explore the desert
for more people, and I am cutting myself off the gang right now!
*starts walking away, as his friends fade away into horizon slowly,
he enters the desert. Walking and walking, he was only thinking of
one thing "what about my powers?And, was cutting off my friends the
right choice?"He was simply walking when he didn't realize he
stumbled into a guy *
Grian was following the trail, sure he would find a lead on Zhao
when he bumped into someone. It was one of the people from the
lab." How did you get all the way out here?" he asked him.
"Come on." Isla didn't answer their question, instead lead the both
of them through the grove of trees. They at last reached a section
of the forest... that looked like any other. Isla suddenly turned
to the right and started climbing a very, very wide tree.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature