Stop fighting over this . Maybe we can take this map and 2 hours
Zuzu can give instructions, and later 2 hours , Floyd, you can
instruct ! What d'ya think?
I was about to mention that our argument wasn't about who's
instructing, but then I realized that this was the perfect way to
get out of the ferret argument without losing or wasting all of our
time. "Sure, the hike is only 2 hours anyways so i'll instruct then
and he can instruct in town."
Zynx watched, her head tilted. "I have a good sense of direction.
I'll tell you when you go wrong." She String Shotted herself out of
the ceiling. "Let's move. Also, I am coming weither you like it or
finding some use of your powers must be nice , am I right ? I still
haven't learnt using any move. Let me try one again *a desperate
effort grunt. Samyan tries to concentrate dark power betweenhis
hands, something blackish appear and grows a bit . Samyan tries to
use it but it fails* Ugh again 😑. But this was better , to be
"Hey, wait!" Floyd scrambled after them. He caught up, a little out
of breath. "I've been in a test tube for months," he
complained. "I'm outta shape."
He didn't reply to what Samyan said, but his gaze darkened
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature
"Y'know, I just thought of something. If you want to learn pokemon
moves, who better to teach you than the pokemon?" I turned to Floyd
to see hs reaction
He crossed his arms. "Set a fire, and I'm pushing you into it." He
tripped over a rock and was caught. By a branch. Which knocked all
the wind out of him. He wheezed.
to be aesthetic or not to be aesthetic
that is not a question because I am not aesthetic at all and nor is
this signature